Saturday, October 29, 2011

Advantages Eating Dark Chocolate

The use of chocolate by humans dates as far back as the Pre-classical period (900 BC to AD 250). Using high-performance liquid chromatography, scientists have discovered cocoa residues in Mayan ceramic pots used in food preparation, dated around 600 BC (Hurst et al., 2002).

Numerous Mayan murals and ceramics are inscribed with hieroglyphs depicting chocolate poured for rulers and gods. Perhaps this is not surprising, considering that the Latin name for the cacao tree. The obromacacao means ‘food of the gods’.

Ever since, chocolate has been absorbed into the fabric of daily life; however, few are familiar with the ways in which it affects our body. The media’s message about chocolate remains confusing, as reports alternate between scrutinizing chocolate for health risks and praising it for hidden health benefits. So, is the mantra of ‘eating just a piece a day’ more detrimental than beneficial?

The pleasurable feelings that chocolate induces can be explained by its physical properties. Professor John Harwood and his colleagues at Cardiff University believe that the high separate content of cocoa butter, a key ingredient in chocolate, is responsible for its melting behavior and stability. Cocoa butter contains between 30% and 37% stearate in its lipid content.

As a result, it is solid at room temperature, but when consumed, its fat content absorbs heat from the mouth and melts at body temperature, producing the ‘melt in the mouth’ effect.

Chocolate has long been suspected of having aphrodisiac properties: the Aztecs thought it invigorated men and made women uninhibited. Consistent with this, the chemical tryptophan is found in chocolate. This is used in the brain to make serotonin, the neurotransmitter that can produce feelings of ecstasy. However, tryptophan is present in chocolate in only small quantities, fueling debate as to whether it causes the elevated production of serotonin.

Phenylethylalanine, which promotes feelings of attraction, excitement, giddiness and apprehension, has also been isolated in chocolate, but again, its low concentration may be insufficient to produce the effects typically associated with this compound.

Theobromine – a weak stimulant found in chocolate – in concert with other chemicals such as caffeine, may be responsible for the characteristic ‘buzz’ experienced when eating chocolate.

Scientists at the Neurosciences Institute in San Diego suggest that chocolate contains pharmacological active substances that produce a cannabis-like effect on the brain, such as anandamide: a cannabinoid neurotransmitter (Di Tomaso et al., 1996).

Chocolate also contains N-oleoylethanolamine and N-linoleoylethanolamine, which inhibit the breakdown of anandamide, and thus may prolong its effects. In addition, elevated levels of the neurotransmitter can intensify the sensory properties of chocolate (texture and smell), thought to be essential in inducing cravings.

The high fat content of most chocolate - Cadbury’s Dairy Milk alone contains 30 g of fat per 100 g - means that excesses can contribute to obesity, which carries with it a range of health risks, including heart disease and diabetes. Nevertheless, not all accusations levelled at chocolate can be justified.

The often-touted link between chocolate and acne has been intensively studied for three decades. In a 1969 study at the University Pennsylvania School of Medicine, 65 subjects with moderate acne ate either chocolate bars containing ten times the amount of chocolate found in a typical bar or identical bars containing no chocolate. Test subjects who consumed the excessive amount of chocolate for four weeks did not show signs of increased acne (Fulton et al., 1969).

Additionally, chocolate has not been proven to contribute to cavities or tooth decay. Cocoa butter may in fact coat teeth and help protect them by preventing plaque formation.

Although the sugar in chocolate contributes to cavities, it does so no more than the sugar in other sweet foods. However, by altering blood flow to the brain and releasing norepinephrine, some chemicals in chocolate can cause migraines.

Perhaps the best compromise is to snack in moderation, particularly on dark chocolate. Not only does it contain more cocoa and proportionally less sugar and fat than milk chocolate, but it is also full of antioxidants called flavonoids.

In fact, dark chocolate has been reported to contain more flavonoids than other antioxidant-rich foodstuffs, such as red wine. Flavonoids reportedly prevent cancers, protect blood vessels, promote cardiac health, and counteract mild hypertension (high blood pressure).

Milk chocolate may not offer the same benefits. In one study, patients on separate days ate 100 g of dark chocolate,100 g of dark chocolate with a small glass (200 ml) of whole milk, or 200 g of milk chocolate (Serafini et al., 2003).

One hour later, those who ate dark chocolate alone had the highest concentration of antioxidants in their blood, suggesting that the milk in milk chocolate may interfere with the absorption of antioxidants.

Science can explain a number of features that contribute to the lasting popularity of chocolate, although how some of its post-consumption effects occur is still debatable.

Although it is unlikely to ever be marketed as a health product, eating the darker varieties and snacking in moderation could prove beneficial. But one thing is certain: from both scientific and sensory perspectives, there is nothing quite likes chocolate.

Chocolate is made from plants, which means it contains many of the health benefits of dark vegetables. These benefits are from flavonoids, which act as antioxidants. Antioxidants protect the body from aging caused by free radicals, which can cause damage that leads to heart disease. 

Dark chocolate contains a large number of antioxidants (nearly 8 times the number found in strawberries). Flavonoids also help relax blood pressure through the production of nitric oxide, and balance certain hormones in the body.

Heart Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate:

Dark chocolate is good for your heart. A small bar of it everyday can help keep your heart and cardiovascular system running well. Two heart health benefits of dark chocolate are:

Lower Blood Pressure: Studies have shown that consuming a small bar of dark chocolate everyday can reduce blood pressure in individuals with high blood pressure.

Lower Cholesterol: Dark chocolate has also been shown to reduce LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol) by up to 10 percent.

Other Benefits of Dark Chocolate:

Chocolate also holds benefits apart from protecting your heart:

it tastes good
it stimulates endorphin production, which gives a feeling of pleasure
it contains serotonin, which acts as an anti-depressant
it contains the obromine, caffeine and other substances which are stimulants

Doesn't Chocolate Have a lot of Fat?:

Here is some more good news -- some of the fats in chocolate do not impact your cholesterol. The fats in chocolate are 1/3 oleic acid, 1/3 stearic acid and 1/3 palmitic acid:

Oleic Acid is a healthy monounsaturated fat that is also found in olive oil.
Stearne Acid is a saturated fat but one which research is shows has a neutral effect on cholesterol.
Palmitic Acid is also a saturated fat, one which raises cholesterol and heart disease risk.

That means only 1/3 of the fat in dark chocolate is bad for you.

Chocolate Tip 1 - Balance the Calories:

This information doesn't mean that you should eat a pound of chocolate a day. Chocolate is still a high-calorie, high-fat food. Most of the studies done used no more than 100 grams, or about 3.5 ounces, of dark chocolate a day to get the benefits.

One bar of dark chocolate has around 400 calories. If you eat half a bar of chocolate a day, you must balance those 200 calories by eating less of something else. Cut out other sweets or snacks and replace them with chocolate to keep your total calories the same.

Chocolate Tip 2 - Taste the Chocolate:

Chocolate is a complex food with over 300 compounds and chemicals in each bite. To really enjoy and appreciate chocolate, take the time to taste it. Professional chocolate tasters have developed a system for tasting chocolate that include assessing the appearance, smell, feel and taste of each piece.

Chocolate Tip 3 - Go for Dark Chocolate:

Dark chocolate has far more antioxidants than milk or white chocolate. These other two chocolates cannot make any health claims. Dark chocolate has 65 percent or higher cocoa content.

Chocolate Tip 4 - Skip the Nougat:

You should look for pure dark chocolate or dark chocolate with nuts, orange peel or other flavorings. Avoid anything with caramel, nougat or other fillings. These fillings are just adding sugar and fat which erase many of the benefits you get from eating the chocolate.

Chocolate Tip 5 - Avoid Milk Chocolate:


Chocolate Truffles Recipe
Chocolate Truffles Xmas Gift
Total Time: 3 hr 25 min
Prep Time: 50 min Easy to Make
Inactive: 2 hr 30 min
Cook Time: 5 min

Yield: 30 to 35 truffles

Level: New Cook to Intermediate-Truffles are so easy to make there is no right way or wrong way to make truffles.


10 ounces bitter dark chocolate, chopped fine
3 tablespoons unsalted butter
1/2 cup Crème Fraiche
1 tablespoon strong coffee
1/4 cup brandy
1 cup Dark Dutch cocoa powder,
1/2 cup finely chopped nuts, and/or toasted coconut, for coating truffles
8 ounces dark bittersweet chocolate, chopped fine


Place the 10 ounces of chocolate and butter in a medium size glass mixing bowl. Microwave for 30 seconds; Remove and stir, and repeat this process 1 more time. Set aside.

Heat the Crème Fraiche and coffee in a small saucepan over medium heat until simmering. Remove from the heat and pour the mixture over the melted chocolate mixture; let stand for 2 minutes.

Using a rubber spatula, stir gently, starting in the middle of bowl and working in concentric circles until all chocolate is melted and mixture is smooth and creamy. Gently stir in the brandy. Pour the mixture into an 8 by 8-inch glass baking dish and place in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

Using a melon baller, scoop chocolate onto a sheet pan lined with parchment paper and return to the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Place the cocoa powder, nuts, and/or toasted coconut each in its own pie pan and set aside.

In the meantime, place the 8 ounces of chocolate into a medium mixing bowl which is sitting on top of a heating pad lined bowl, with the heating pad set to medium.

Depending on the heating pad, you may need to adjust the heat up or down. Stirring the chocolate occasionally, test the temperature of the chocolate and continue heating until it reaches 90 to 92 degrees F; do not allow the chocolate to go above 94 degrees F.

If you do, the coating will not have a nice snap to it when you bite into the chocolate. Once you have reached the optimal temperature, adjust the heat to maintain it.

Remove the truffles from the refrigerator and shape into balls by rolling between the palms of your hands. Use powder-free vinyl or latex gloves, if desired.

Dip an ice cream scoop into the chocolate and turn upside down to remove excess chocolate. Place truffles 1 at time into the scoop and roll around until coated. Then place the truffle into the dish with either the cocoa powder, nuts or coconut.

Move the truffle around to coat; leave truffle in the coating for 10 to 15 seconds before removing. In the meantime, continue placing the chocolate-coated truffles in the cocoa or other secondary coating.

After 10 to 15 seconds, remove the truffle to a parchment lined sheet pan. Repeat until all truffles are coated. Allow to set in a cool dry place for at least 1 hour; or store in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Truffles are best when served at room temperature
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Crème Fraiche-Weight Loss Recipe

Crème Fraiche
Crème Fraiche is a thick cream used in sauces,crepes, soups, quiche, gravies or as a condiment for fresh fruits. Crème Fraiche is a thick and smooth soured cream with a rich and velvety texture. Very expensive at specialty stores very inexpensive to make at home.

This matured cream has a nutty, slightly sour taste produced by culturing pasteurized cream with special bacteria. (In France, where it originated, the cream is unpasteurized so it naturally contains the bacteria necessary to make crème fraiche.)

You will find every brand of crème fraiche tastes a little differently and that is because there is no set standard for making this cream and the butterfat content does vary (although it is usually around 30%).

Homemade: Crème Fraiche- Crème fraiche is pronounced 'krem fresh'.

Plan Ahead: as this will take some time.

Difficulty: So Very-Very Easy

Time required: 24 hours leave out on your counter


A. 1 cup – (240 ml) heavy whipping cream Note: If possible, use pasteurized heavy whipping cream, verus ultra pasteurized which will take longer to thicken

B. 2 tablespoons buttermilk Note: Shake buttermilk well before you add to heavy cream

C. Combine and mix well in glass jar and cover with lid.

D. Let stand at room temperature (about 70 degrees F.) for 24 hours, or until Crème Fraiche becomes thickened.

E. Stir well and refrigerate.

F. Use Crème Fraiche with within 10 days.


G. Crème Fraiche is used as a thickener for soups, sauces or gravies in lieu of milk, cream, sour cream, buttermilk or whipping cream. Plus it can be whipped like whip cream.

H. Spoon over fresh fruits, puddings or warm cobblers.

NOTE: Can be used in boiled recipes as Crème Fraiche 
will never ever curdle.
Tomato Bisque

"I can this soup mixture” (before adding the butter, flour and 
Crème Fraiche) about every other year. You determine how 
much you do at one time. 

I usually put up about 80 jars at a time, mostly in October 
when the weather has cooled down."

Tomato Bisque

Prep Time: 30 Min
Cook Time: 45 Min
Ready In: 1 Hr 15 Min

Recipe Yield 4 servings


2 pounds tomatoes
2 cubes beef bouillon, crumbled
1 tablespoon sugar
1 teaspoon salt substitute
1 bay leaf
1/4 teaspoon dried basil
1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
1/2 cup unsalted butter
1/3 cup all-purpose flour
1 quart Crème Fraiche


Run the tomatoes through a food mill or food processor to 
chop to fine pulp and place in a large pot over medium heat.

Stir in the bouillon, sugar, salt, bay leaf, basil and pepper. 
Bring to a boil, then reduce heat, and simmer 30 minutes. 
(If you're going to can this mixture, process it now by canning)

In a small saucepan over medium heat, melt butter. 
Whisk in flour all at once to form a roux, cook 1 minute. 

Whisk in Crème Fraiche, a little at a time, cooking and stirring
constantly for about 2 minutes. Stir into tomato mixture and 
heat through.

Nutritional Information open nutritional information

Amount Per Serving Calories: 420 | Total Fat: 28.5g | 
Cholesterol: 81mg Powered by ESHA Nutrient Database

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Review Weight Loss Patch

Weight Loss Patches
Finally, for severely obese people who have been unable to lose weight using traditional means, the utilization of weight loss patch may be an option however prior to purchasing any weight loss patch speak to your doctor first-you can have a severe skin reaction to the patches and FDA states weight loss patches do not work.

Weight Loss Patch-Scam

Basically, weight loss patch is a revolutionary device or product that helps people to lose weight effectively. This weight loss patch, also known as “the diet patch,” or the “Slim Form Patch” are the new and innovative weight loss product that are now readily available in the market.

Its manufacturers contend that the ingredients used in weight loss patches are 100% natural. So, people who will use the product can be assured of a safe and effective weight loss regimen. To know more about these weight loss patches, here is a list of some facts that can help you understand how it works:

1. It is a biological and straightforward process of losing weight that right it doesn't work and can hurt you.

This means that these weight loss patches are made from 100% natural ingredients that are why manufacturers claim that these products are safe to use. In addition, it is also simple and easy to utilize.

2. Its not considered as one form of trendy weight loss program; you got that right FDA considers weight loss patches as a scam.

Because of its viability and clinically proven results, weight loss patches are considered as something that can safely burn calories and fats without having to skip meals or do some crash diets.

Moreover, because it does not advocate people to engage into crash diets, these products have not eradicated certain food groups in one’s diet. This means that the person using it is still eating a well-balanced meal.

3. It employs a “cutting edge technology” known as the Patch technology or the Transdermal- that's utter nonsense.

This new technology states that in most cases, the food that enters into the body passes through the different areas inside. In most cases, there are harmful ingredients that were able to enter the body and yet it may pose greater risks.

The point here is that these substances where already broken down into pieces in areas like the liver or stomach, without passing through the bloodstreams. Hence, it poses greater risk to the person concerned.

However, with patch technology, the substances are easily absorbed and penetrated through the skin. It is in this process that the substances are redirected first to the bloodstream, where they are filtered, before they can go to the liver, stomach, and other parts of the body.

In this way, the harmful substances are already eliminated and that everything that passes through the different parts of the body are effectively utilized by the cells, where it is mostly needed.

Moreover, these weight loss patches contain the active ingredients that can effectively help people lose weight at the same time enhancing their health and well-being.

Therefore, for a revolutionary modification to weight loss regimen, it would be better if you will try using these weight loss patches. Buy now and start your life to a healthier you.

Alternatively, these weight loss patches are available in 30-piece package. It should only be worn once a day. Hence, you have a month supply of these products.

Indeed, with the advent of weight loss patches, losing weight will no longer be considered a game for the chosen few.

Hence, with these wonderful, excellent patches, you can now easily lose weight without the trouble of extreme fad diets. Best of all, these weight loss patches are affordable, so there’s no reason why you cannot try it out; don't bother weight loss patches are a scam and the only thing you will lose is your money.

Mediterranean Diet Carrot and Almond Couscous

Greek The Mediterranean Diet


 1 cup couscous
 1 tsp. kosher salt
 ½ tsp. ground cumin
 ½ tsp. ground ginger
 ½ tsp. paprika
 1 cup vegetable stock or beef stock or chicken stock
 2 tbsp. roughly chopped parsley leaves
 4 tbsp. roughly chopped coriander leaves
 1 large carrot, grated
 1 cup slivered almonds
 2 tbsp. ground flax seeds
 2 tbsp. olive oil
 1 tsp. white wine or sherry
 1 lemon-zest grated and juiced
 1 orange-zested and juiced
 Kosher Salt and freshly ground black pepper
1) Place the couscous in a large heatproof bowl and stir in the salt, cumin, ginger, flax seeds and paprika.

2) Bring the stock, carrots and wine or sherry to a simmer over medium heat then pour over the couscous. Cover bowl with a large plate or plastic wrap and leave for 10 minutes or until the couscous has absorbed all the stock. Fluff up the couscous with a fork.

3) Stir in the parsley, coriander, and almonds. Stir in the olive oil and grated lemon and orange zest and juice to add zing. You should season with salt and pepper, to taste. Serve warm or at room temperature.  Serves 4-6

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

A Life Enhancing Diet to Balance the Mind

A Life Enhancing Diet to Balance the Mind

"Food is a dynamic force which interacts with the human on the physical body level, the mind emotional level, and also the energetic and spiritual level. The study of nutrition is the study of the interaction with and assimilation of the dynamic forces of food by the dynamic forces of our total being." ~ Gabriel Cousens, M.D., Spiritual Nutrition and the Rainbow Diet?

In Ayurveda; emphasize is on a Sattvic diet for healthy living, particularly for keeping our minds clear, happy and at peace. The original Sattvic diet was devised for the development of higher consciousness.

Sattvic foods are foods that are abundant in Prana- the universal life-force that gives life to all sentient beings in both plant and animal kingdoms. A Sattvic diet means not only vegetarian food, but food rich in Prana 'life-force like organic fresh fruits and vegetables.

It requires avoiding canned and processed food, and foods prepared with chemical fertilizers or sprays. It also means properly prepared fresh foods. Foods prepared with lots of love will add to their Sattvic quality.

The ancient Ayurvedic criteria for foods to be considered Sattvic were quite simple: foods were grown organically on good rich fertile soil; foods were to be of attractive appearance, and be harvested at the correct time of year. Foods should be whole foods full of life-force and enzymes and be as close as possible as they are in their natural fresh state.

Today, we need to add to these criteria for Sattva several other modern concerns. Sattvi foods should be grown without pesticides, herbicides, chemical fertilizers, hormones, irradiation or anything unnatural.

Modern use of refinement processes and chemical additives, besides actually adding substances to our foods, depletes foods of their Prana 'life-force' and hence renders them heavy, impotent and lifeless.

Sattic foods are nutritive vegetarian foods like organic nuts, seeds, whole grains and oily fruits and vegetables that help build the brain tissue and develop Ojas.

The Three Gunas
In the unmanifested Universe, energy has three qualities, known as Gunas, that exist together in equilibrium: Sattva (purity); Rajas (activity, passion, the process of change); and Tamas (darkness, inertia).

Once energy takes form, one quality of the three predominates. Thus on an apple tree, some of the fruit is ripe (Sattvic), some ripening (rajasic) and some overripe (tamasic). But no matter which quality prevails, an Element of each of the other two will always be present as well.

Most of an individual apple will be ripe, but part will be rotten, even if the naked eye cannot see it, and part will be in the process of changing from one state to the other. The three Gunas encompass all existence, all actions.

If a man commits a robbery, the action is basically rajasic but the decision to rob and the motive may be predominantly tamasic, rajasic or Sattvic, according to the situation. In all people one of the three Gunas has superior strength and is reflected in all they do and think. Only in enlightenment are the Gunas completely transcended.

Ancient Rishis have said you take on the karma of the animal you eat
When you eat meat you are ingesting all the stress hormones released when that animal was killed. The hormones released at death are present in the flesh when you eat it. At a cellular level, your body is getting the message that you are dying.

One goal and effect of Ayurveda and following a spiritual path is to raise our vibrational levels

Meat has a very low vibration. On a continuum of lower vibrations, fish, chicken, lamb, beef, and finally pork have increasingly lower vibrations and their energy is very dark, dense and congested.

Through the centuries it has been observed that vegetarians have a more refined etheric body and brighter aura. A vegetarian whose etheric body is brighter and healthier will generally heal at much faster rate than those who are not vegetarian.

Ayurvedic Principles
Everything on Earth has a primary quality (Guna). Anything we hear, smell, see, taste or touch may be classified into the categories of Sattvic, Rajasic or Tamasic.

In Ayurveda a dietary system was developed by the ancient Masters and Sages thousands of years in working with the mind to help support an individual on a spiritual path that perfected the ancient forms of Yoga and Meditation. It is also the foundation of many healing arts. It has a rich tradition that has been taught, practiced and passed onto many cultures over the world.

Ayurveda or Sattvic foods all have one thing in common: they are high in Prana (the universal life force). More specifically, Sattvic foods are natural, organically grown, and as unrefined as possible. Modern food processing takes the Prana out of many foods and makes them heavy, impotent, and lifeless- or simply "dead food."

Mind balance in Ayurveda means modifying the mind from Tamasic or Rajasic to Sattvic state. Choosing those foods and activities that are Sattvic in nature in preference to those that are Rajasic or Tamasic does that. With consistent and dedicated attention to diet, environment and sensory experiences, total mind balance can be achieved.

It often takes discipline and effort to become Sattvic, but the peace of mind, health, strength and immunity that is obtained from this state of mind makes it worthwhile. However, some rajas and tamas qualities are still required for action and motivation to achieve our goals and inaction, sleep or relaxation (tamas).

There are three types of foods categorized by their primal essence or nature:
·        Tamasic Foods
·        Dark, and dull.

A tamasic diet benefits neither the mind nor the body. Prana, or energy, is withdrawn, powers of reasoning become clouded and a sense of inertia sets in. The body's resistance to disease is destroyed and the mind filled with dark emotions, such as anger, jealousy and greed.

Tamasic foods include meat, poultry, fish, eggs, alcohol and other intoxicants including drugs. Foods that are over-processed, no longer fresh, and/or difficult to digest are Tamasic.

Food’s that are prepared unconsciously or while the preparer is angry or in a negative mood are also considered Tamasic. If you are interested in vital health and spiritual growth it is best to avoid these foods.

Tamasic items include meat, alcohol, tobacco, onions, garlic, fermented foods, such as vinegar, and stale left over food, contaminated or overripe substances. Overeating is also regarded as tamasic. Tamasic is the unhealthiest food of all.

Rajasic Foods

Rajas signify the "can do" kind of energy. It is the energy, which we need to accomplish, create, and achieve. It represents worldly power and the sex drive. A Rajasic diet is good for "householders" who aspire to maintain a meditative mind but need to live and work in the world as well. It has been recommended by the ancient

Rishis teachers that a combination of Sattvic and Rajasic foods for those who practice demanding disciplines such as endurance athletics, martial arts and Kindling Yoga. They destroy the mind-body equilibrium, feeding the body at the expense of the mind.

Foods that are very hot, bitter, sour, dry, or salty are rajasic. Too much rajasic food will over stimulate the body and excite strong emotional qualities and passions, making the mind restless and uncontrollable.

Rajasic foods include hot substances, such as sharp spices or strong herbs, stimulants, like coffee and tea, meat of animals and fish, eggs, salt and chocolate. Many of the ground foods are Rajasic. Eating in a hurry is also considered rajasic.

Sattvic Foods

Sattvic means pure essence. This is the purest diet for a consciously spiritual and healthy life. It nourishes the body and maintains it in a peaceful state. According to Ayurveda, this is the best diet for physical strength, a good mind, good health, and longevity. And it calms and purifies the mind, enabling it to function at its maximum potential.

A Sattvic diet thus leads to true health: a peaceful mind in control of a fit body, with a balanced flow of energy between them. They are known to have a very cleansing effect on the body.

A Sattvic diet is excellent for those individuals who desire to live a quiet, peaceful and meditative life. Sattvic foods comprise the diet of many sages, yogis and spiritual teachers. These foods are supposed to produce calmness and nobility among men. Eating fruits and vegetables increases one's magnetism.

From what we understand today about diets we are sure that ancient Essences and Rishis masters saints had a very good idea about food in general and their effect on the body and thinking pattern of man. Expression of the soul is dependent on the body, and the body is dependant on food.

The Sattvic diet consists of light, soothing, easily digested food. Sattvic signifies the etheric qualities and includes foods such as fruits and vegetables, especially sun foods and ground foods.

Many Sattvic foods are sun foods are those that grow one meter or more above the ground. They have a quickening and lightening effect on the body's nervous and digestive systems. Ground foods are those foods that grow within one meter of the ground. They draw energy from the earth and are high in nutrients.

Sattvic foods include sprouted whole grains, fresh fruit, land and sea vegetables, pure fruit juices, nut and seed milk and cheese, legumes, nuts, seeds, sprouted seeds, honey, and herb teas.

Sattvic foods are those foods which do not agitate your stomach at all. According to the diet, the best foods are those that are fresh, which have a balance of all the six tastes and are consumed in moderate portions.

Becoming Sattvic
One should focus on work, self-improvement and intellectual or spiritual pursuits. Maintaining a positive nature, demonstrating generosity, kindness, openness, fairness (equality) and forgiveness also increases Sattva Guna. In addition spiritual inclination, faith and belief in the Great Spirit or God, engaging in selfless service or charitable activities help to become Sattvic.
Nature's Sattvic Foods

Apples, Kiwi, Prunes, Apricots, Loquat, Tangerines, Bananas, Leeched, Pomegranate, Cantaloupe, Mango, Papaya, Cherries, Melons, Nectarines, Cranberry, Honeydew, Oranges, Grapefruits, Watermelon, Pineapples, Grapes, Peaches, Plums, Guava, Pears, Persimmon

Artichokes, Eggplant, Lettuce, Beets, Mustard, Greens, Asparagus, Dayton, Onions, Endive, Fennel, Mistake, Parsnips, Book Choy, Peas, Broccoli, Green Beans, Potatoes, Brussels Sprouts, Kale, Radishes, Cabbage, Leeks, Lima Beans, Shallots, Carrots, Celery, Spinach, Cauliflower, Chard, Chanterelles, Sprouts, Corn, Squash, Shitake, Mushrooms, Watercress, Turnips, Yams

Sprouted Whole Grains
Amaranth, Barley, Buckwheat, Bulgur, Millet, Quinoa, Rice: Basmati, Brown and Wild Rice.

Olive, Safflower, Sesame, Sunflower, Garbanzo, Lentils, Ming.

Asafetida (hang) Coriander, Basil, Cumin, Nutmeg, Black Pepper, Fennel seed, Parsley, Cardamom, Fenugreek, Turmeric, Cinnamon, Cloves, Ginger

Brazil nuts, Pumpkin seeds, Sunflower seeds, Walnuts
Milks & Cheese

Seed milk, Hemp milk, Almond or other nut milk

Cane juice, raw honey, Steve, Fruit Juices, Maple Syrup

It takes time for the effects of dietary changes to manifest on the mind. Changing our diet may not impact our psychology overnight, but in a period of months can affect it significantly.

Shan tree is an Ayurvedic Live-Food Nutritionist, Therapeutic & Shamanic Herbalist, and Constitutional Iridology Educator with 35 years experience in the Natural Healing Arts. He is the founder and co-director of The Living Centre (1983), and Living Arts Institute.

Eat Healthier Weight Loss Recipes

Eat Healthier Weight Loss Recipes

1. Eat cereal every day for breakfast. Choose whole grain, unsweetened cereal with at least 4 grams of fiber per serving like creamy whole grain oatmeal.

Strawberry Oatmeal Breakfast Smoothie

"This is a fast vegan smoothie with a deep pink color and a rich, creamy texture. VERY filling, and perfect for people in a rush in the morning. You don't have to give up a good breakfast when it's this fast to make! I use vitamin fortified soy milk."

Prep Time: 5 Min
Ready In: 5 Min
Yield: 2 servings


1 cup soy milk
1/2 cup rolled oats
1 banana, broken into chunks
14 frozen strawberries
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 1/2 teaspoons white sugar

In a blender, combine soy milk, oats, banana and strawberries. Add vanilla and sugar if desired. Blend until smooth. Pour into glasses and serve.

Nutritional Information open nutritional information
Amount Per Serving-Calories: 236 | Total Fat: 3.7g | Cholesterol: 0mg

2. Eat two apples every day. Not just to keep the doctor away, but because apples are a good source of pectin, a soluble fiber that contributes to a feeling of fullness and digests slowly. A 1997 study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition found that 5 grams of pectin was enough to leave people feeling satisfied for up to four hours. Try these recipes for fresh apples.

Prep Time: 5 Min
Cook Time: 15 Min
Ready In: 20 Min
Original Recipe Yield 4 cups


1/8 cup butter
4 large granny smith or golden apples tart apples - cored and sliced 1/4 inch thick
2 teaspoons cornstarch
1/2 cup cold water
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
1/4 cup chopped walnuts
1 tablespoon ground flaxseeds


In a large skillet or saucepan, melt butter over medium heat; add apples; Cook, stirring constantly, until apples are almost tender, about 6 to 7 minutes;
Dissolve cornstarch in water; add to skillet. Stir in brown sugar and cinnamon. nutmeg, walnuts, flaxseeds Boil for 2 minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat and serve hot.

Nutritional Information open nutritional information
Amount Per Serving Calories: 113 | Total Fat: 4,5g | Cholesterol: 12mg

3. Make a yogurt mix every Wednesday for breakfast. Take one container of yogurt and mix in 1/3 cup high-fiber cereal, 1 tablespoon ground flaxseeds, and 5 large, diced strawberries for 12.2 grams of fiber--nearly half your daily allowance!

4. Make baby carrots and broccoli florets dipped into low-fat ranch dressing your afternoon snack three days a week. You'll fill up the empty afternoon space in your tummy while getting about 5 grams of fiber in each cup of veggies. Get healthy recipe ideas for carrots and broccoli.

5. Keep a container of gorp in your car and office for the munchies. Mix together peanuts, raisins, a high-fiber cereal, and some chocolate-covered soy nuts. Allow yourself one handful for a sweet, yet high-fiber, snack.

6. Switch to whole grain crackers. You'd never think a tiny cracker can make a difference, but one regular whole wheat cracker has 1/2 gram of fiber. Ten crackers give you 5 grams of fiber. So next time, spread your peanut butter on whole grain crackers (look for brands that proclaim they're trans-fat-free) instead of bread for a different taste treat.

7. Mix your regular cereal with the high-test stuff. Okay, we'll be honest. We wouldn't want to face an entire bowl of All-Bran either. But just 1/3 cup packs a walloping 8.5 grams of fiber. Mix it with an equal amount of Apple Cinnamon Cheerios and you'll barely know it's there (but you will be one-third of the way to your daily fiber intake).

8. Add kidney beans or chickpeas (chick pea’s are garbanzo beans) to your next salad. A quarter cup adds an additional 5 grams of dietary fiber, notes Lisa Andrews, R.D., a nutritionist at the VA Medical Center in Cincinnati.

9. Make sure that the first ingredient in whole grain products has the word "whole" in it, as in "whole wheat," or "whole grain." If it says multi-grain, seven-grain, nutra-grain, cracked wheat, stone-ground wheat, unbromated wheat or enriched wheat, it's not whole wheat, and thus is lacking some of the vitamins and minerals, not to mention fiber, of whole grains. Try these recipes for whole grains.

10. Every week, try one "exotic" grain. How about amaranth, bulgur, or wheatberries? Most are as simple to fix as rice, yet packed with fiber and flavor. Mix in some steamed carrots and broccoli, toss with olive oil and a bit of Parmesan or feta cheese, maybe throw in a can of tuna or a couple of ounces of cut-up chicken, and you've got dinner. Or serve as a side dish to chicken or fish. Make sure all grains you try are whole grains.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Dangers of Using Laxatives for Weight Loss

Dangers of Using Laxatives for Weight Loss
One popular weight loss supplements available in the market today take the form of tea. Stores all over sell slimming tea, dieter's tea and others but all of them are actually the same. They may appear to be effective, but what is not seen may actually harm you.

One of the effects of drinking dieter's tea is frequent bowel movement. This gives people the feeling of body cleansing. These people may get toxins out of their body but it isn't exactly the only thing that slimming tea actually does to the body.

Slimming tea contains herbs which are natural laxatives. These include aloe, sienna, rhubarb root, cascara, buckthorn and castor oil. These are products which are derived from plants and are used since the ancient times because of their potency in treating constipation and to inducing bowel movement.

Cascara, castor oil and sienna are substances which are recognized as laxatives available over the counter and are also regulated as drugs. Scientific studies show that diarrhea induced by laxatives does not absorb significant amounts of calories taken in the body.

The reason for this is that laxatives do not act on the small intestines where most of the calories are absorbed. Instead, they work on the large intestines. If taken in large amounts for prolonged periods, it can affect fat absorption of the body.

This may lead to greasy diarrhea and loss of weight. Abuse of laxatives is common practice among people who suffer from bulimia and anorexia nervosa.

While weight loss can be guaranteed by overdosing on laxatives, it may also cause permanent damage to the gastrointesitinal tract and the weakening and softening of the bones, a condition known as osteomalacia.

Drinkers of slimming teas may actually patronize the product because they are less axpensive and taste better than other laxatives sold in the market. Other people, such as those with eating disorders like bulimia and anorexia nervosa drink dieter's tea because they work fast and produce watery stool and having loose consistency.

Women may even be more susceptible to the effects of slimming teas. Although they may are not known to interfer directly with the woman's menstrual cycle and fertility, they should watch out if drinking them causes them to rapidly shed off weight.

It is also not safe for pregnant women to be taking in laxatives of any kind. Wise and responsible herbalists also discourage the use of senna and other herbal products with laxative properties for pregnant women and women who are trying to conceive. 

One should be wary about these findings because the labeling of slimming teas in the market today can be absolutely misleading. For instance, they commonly refer to the laxative qualities as "natural bowel cleansing properties" and not specifically use the word "laxative”.

Some even use the term "low-calorie" on their labeling. These products in fact, contain essentially no calories or nutrients whatsoever; unless of course, if they are sweetened.

Adverse effects of misusing laxatives in the form of slimming tea generally occur when taken in more than or longer than recommended. These include nausea, stomach cramps, vomiting, diarrhea, fainting, rectal bleeding, electrolyte disorder and dehydration as well as injury and worse, death.

It was also reported that excess use of stimulant laxatives cause severe constipation and pain for long periods (as much as for decades) due to the colon losing its function. It eventually led to surgery removing the colon altogether.
If you are trying to commit suicide through the installment plan than using laxatives long term will work for eventual horrible painful non functioning spinker muscle cut by doctors when they are doing rectal surgery and death from dehydration.