Tuesday, August 30, 2011

It's Not My Fault I'm Fat

It's Not My Fault I'm Fat

It very well may not be your fault you are fat. You may be fat due to the fault of one or two distinct pressure groups. I'm going to dob in 2 of them that you'll probably recognize immediately.

Well, you could be dead right there. It very well may not be your fault you are fat. You may be fat due to the fault of one or two distinct pressure groups. Let's have a look at the usual suspects. I'm going to dob in 2 of them that you'll probably recognize immediately.

1. Your family. You may be fat and despairing of weight loss because of your upbringing. Is your whole family fat? Yes? I sense you may be nodding with several of your chins. You may well be overweight, not so much because of your genes, but because of your upbringing.

Fat parents tend to bring up obese children, modeling extremely poor diet and exercise practices. Very often the second generation is fatter than the first. Lack of role models at the dinner table will lead to a fat future for many people. If your parents don't bring you up to eat well and exercise regularly, it is pretty hard for a child to pick up these good lifestyle habits.

2. Manufacturers of ready to eat food products. Not just the fast food giants, but also the biscuit, chocolate and ice cream companies, the makers of pizza and meat pies. Kebab makers, cheesecakes mixers, taco technicians...I think you are familiar with them and have at least sampled their wares.

These people have a product to sell and the more they sell, the more money they make, the greedier they get, the more they push their products. They therefore sink a barrow loads of cash into advertising and market research till they know exactly the right buttons to push on you, the target market, to ensure that you do not resist their tasty offerings. They are smart and pushy and their techniques are very very successful - you can see the results in your mirror.

Right, we've laid some blame. That's a good thing to get off your chest. But blame is going to lift neither your sagging spirits nor your sagging stomach. Firstly, let's just agree that it might not be your fault you are fat.

Now what? What do we do with this information? Wallow in it and fail to lose weight or turn it to our advantage? Your choice, but this is my advice. You don't want to be fat. You know you have succumbed to the influences of persistent pressure groups. Neither your family nor the purveyors of fast food are likely to change their evil ways and help you with a weight control diet and regular exercise routine.

So who do you think is going to have to do the hard yards? It may not be your fault that you are fat, but it is only you who is going to fix this. Recognize the challenge and rise to it, despite the negative influences around you.

Success is the best revenge.

Rosie Peters gives common sense advice, encouragement and tips for weight loss, sensible diet and lifelong fitness. Visit Rosie at lose-fat-get-fit.com

Download Rosie's 5 Simple Steps to Fat Loss here and start losing weight today.

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