Thursday, September 15, 2011

2 Tricks To Keep You Motivated To Burn Fat And Lose Weight Permanently

2 Tricks To Keep You Motivated To Burn Fat And Lose Weight Permanentl

Your mind is the most powerful asset you have when it comes to losing weight. If you give up then you're never going to achieve your goals. At the same time if you stress out about your weight loss plan, it's unhealthy and can prevent you from losing fat as well. Here are a couple tricks to keep your mind in shape and help you stay motivated.

Trick #1 - Track Your Progress

If you're not a very organized person, then you'll find it especially hard to lose weight. It's because you need a plan that you can follow to achieve the results you're after. If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail, just think of it that way.

But after you have your plan in place, you need to know if it's working. If you don't ever track any of your progress, then you won't know where you're winning and what kind of progress you've been making. Keep a small log and journal every day or every week. If you start to lose heart, go read your journal and see the progress you've made. It'll motivate you to keep going.

Trick #2 - Break Down Your Big Goals

If your goal is to lose 30 pounds, that's a pretty intimidating goal to go after. 30 pounds is a lot of weight. But if you break that goal down into "I want to lose 30 pounds in 10 weeks" now you've got something you can work with. That's just 3 pounds per week? Seems a lot less daunting doesn't it?

Then take it even further. To lose that 3 pounds per week what are you going to do daily? Make goals that you can reach every day, like eating a smaller portion, or incorporating more natural foods into your meals. Write these goals down then track your progress. You'll have something to work toward which will keep you motivated to keep going and reach your end goal.

Your next step is to click here now to learn the real way to lose weight for good, no more yo-yo dieting! Making small changes in your lifestyle is the only sure way to get healthy and stay slim for life.

I'll show you how in my free healthy weight loss secrets course.

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