Friday, September 9, 2011

Burn Calories to Lose Weight Myth

Burn Calories to Lose Weight Myth

Dieters often choose cardiovascular exercises, which works the larger muscles of the body, such as the legs, as the best way to burn calories and lose weight?

However, trying to run a three-minute mile on the running machine may not burn the most calories as you may think. According to some scientists in the USA, running faster, in fact, may not be you best choice to get into shape.

This form of exercise makes the heart work harder to pump oxygenated blood to the muscles. So the lungs have to take in more to provide this oxygen, which is why you feel out of breath

But according to their research, they have discovered that we each have an optimal running pace, where the body burns the most calories and we are able to run longer without getting too tired.

The speed that you need to run to attaining this top calories burning rate depends on your size, the researchers at the University of Wisconsin report

Larger, taller people need to run faster than smaller people to burn the same amount of calories

On average, the most efficient running speed for an average man was 8.3 mph and 6.mph for women, although it varies between individuals. Running too slowly however, can backfire on your quest for fitness.

If you're running at 4.5 mph (13 minute mile) your unlikely to get fit or lose weight efficiently. But, going hell for leather on the treadmill, rowing machine, to get a sweat on, as a way to burn more calories is a misconception.

While cardiovascular exercises might feel exhausting, the calories that it burns are pretty pathetic.

30 minutes on a rowing machine burns just about 300 calories. That's 30 calories less than a 100g slice of pepperoni pizza.

Also excess cardiovascular exercise may breakdown the important lean tissue, as the body struggles to generate more energy. This in turn slows down the ‘Basal Metabolic Rate' (BMR). This is the rate in which we burn calories just going about our daily business

Don't get me wrong, I believe going to the gym is extremely beneficial for our cardiovascular health, but forget those punishing exercise sessions on the treadmill or exercise bike. They are still important for your heart and lungs, but do very little in burning those calories

Plus, after exercise your appetite increases as your body your tells you it needs fuel. This could set up the classic yo-yo dieting situation, and all the weight you lost going to the gym piles back on as soon as you slacken off

The experts state that long term calorie calculator and weight control can be achieved with a change of calorie controlled diet, and light exercise to create a balance between intake and energy expenditure. such as a walk in the park after a meal

Doesn't that sound more attractive than half killing yourself on the rowing machine to get rid of excess body fat?

Information contained in this article is not meant to replace professional advice. Always check with your physician before starting any weight loss or exercise program.

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