Thursday, September 15, 2011

Green Drink Weight Loss -- Cut Out These Carbs and Lose 5 Pounds of Bloat In One Week

Green Drink Weight Loss -- Cut Out These Carbs and Lose 5 Pounds of Bloat In One Week

If you eat a diet too high in bad, processed carbs and sodium, you hold excess water throughout your body that causes you to bloat. If you cut out the bad carbs and sodium, the bloat goes away and you lose weight. Sounds like a simple enough solution, right? Cutting out the bad carbs IS simple if the bad carbs are replaced with good, unprocessed carbs like raw veggies, green drink powder, whole grains and high fiber fresh fruit. Because...

You do need carbs for your body and brain to function so you really do need to have good carbs, like green drinks and other veggies, at every meal. If you don't eat carbs at every meal, your body can't function and it goes into starvation mode and stores fat.

Not all carbohydrates are created equal.

Your carbohydrate choices affect your energy, mood, and metabolic processes. Your body processes carbohydrates that are rich in fiber (i.e. unprocessed carbohydrates like raw vegetables and green drinks) differently than those that are left with little or no fiber as a result of processing and refining (i.e. processed carbohydrates like white bread and candy).

So, here's how to lose the 5 pounds of bloat in one week:

#1. Cut salt and bad carbs from your diet completely. Here's what's bad when it comes to carbs:

• Anything processed. This means anything that didn't go straight from the ground to your plate.
• Anything made with white sugar (because white sugar = processed). Check the labels; white sugar is in many things. Even that sourdough bread you had your lunch sandwich on or those buttermilk pancakes. Here are some items that are usually made with white sugar: candy, ice cream, cookies, sandwich bread, English muffins, ketchup, jelly or jam, peanut butter, salad dressing, BBQ sauce.
  • Anything made with white flour (because white flour = processed). Again check labels because white flour is in many things like your sandwich bread, breakfast blueberry muffins, breakfast cereals, dinner rolls, pop tarts, waffles, pasta.
• Dried fruit or sweetened fruit
• Potatoes that are white on the inside.

#2. Replace the bad carbs with good carbs in your diet. Here's what's good (in order of best carb sources):

• Green energy drinks and powder.
• Raw vegetables
• Grilled, steamed, lightly sauteed, non-starchy vegetables
• Legumes (lentils, peas, beans)
• Sweet potatoes or yams
• Summer squash or pumpkin
• Cooked whole grains (kamut, old fashioned oatmeal, brown rice, wild rice, barley, quinoa)
• Fresh or frozen high fiber fruit
• Sprouted or whole grain bread
• Whole grain pasta

Together with your good carbs, you need protein and fat to metabolize the glucose from the carbs and provide your body with energy to function. And you also need the right ratio of carbs, protein, and fat.

So, if you want to "lose the bloat," have your clothes feel loser and start to feel better about yourself, start now and no cheating on those good carbs (veggies and green drink powder!). This is serious if you really want to lose those 5 pounds.

Click to get started with our proven, 100% all-natural, unprocessed carbs -- Greenergy (there's currently a money-back guarantee on Greenergy and other weight-loss promoting supplements like fish oil and whey protein).

Also, get our free Healthy Living Tool Kit and find out how to get the right ratio of carbs to protein and fat at every meal.

Author Gerry Morton is the CEO of EnergyFirst, leading provider of top-quality, 100% all-natural nutritional supplements and cutting-edge, science-based health and nutrition education since 1997.

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