Thursday, September 15, 2011

How to Lose Thigh Fat

How to Lose Thigh Fat
Wouldn't it be nice if you could learn how to lose thigh fat in 2 weeks? Regardless if you are trying to fit into your wedding dress or trying to fit into your favorite jeans, you can lose thigh fat. No matter if problem if your thighs, belly, or hips simply won't let you go despite what you do, there is a solution to your problems.

So if you really want to learn how to lose thigh fat in 2 weeks here is the truth. The truth is, there really is no one special exercise you can do just to lose thigh fat. While there are exercises that target the thighs, if you want to lose thigh fat fast you must target the whole body.

Wouldn't it be nice if you could learn how to lose thigh fat in 2 weeks? Regardless if you are trying to fit into your wedding dress or trying to fit into your favorite jeans, you can lose thigh fat. No matter if problem if your thighs, belly, or hips simply won't let you go despite what you do, there is a solution to your problems.

So if you really want to learn how to lose thigh fat in 2 weeks here is the truth. The truth is, there really is no one special exercise you can do just to lose thigh fat. While there are exercises that target the thighs, if you want to lose thigh fat fast you must target the whole body.

Be honest, are you one of those people that is struggling to low thigh fat? If you are, you are going to thrilled because I got 4 steps that I am going to share with you today that can help you lose thigh fat and get them toned up.

In the title it self, it highlighted the word thigh fat, which means, we need to lose the fat that is surrounding the legs, the back of the legs and butt. So, now you need to know that there is no way we can specifically burn the fat areas in the thigh.

We need to burn the body fat from the whole body and eventually; you will burn the fat that is surrounding the thighs.But don't that not all. We can do lots of legs exercise to tone and shape up the thighs so that they look lean and well defined.

Weight training must be included if you want some shape in those legs that catches attention. But do not worry; you would not get huge body builder legs. Female do not have the testosterone hormones to build enormous muscle.

1. You cannot "spot reduce"

Spot reduction is the common idea that if you want to lose fat in a specific area, you do so by working the muscle underneath.

Unfortunately, spot reduction is a myth that has been around for a long time. If you have a lot of fat covering your thighs, doing lots of exercises for that area will not result in localized fat loss!

Think about this as it relates to your abs. A lot of people will try to lose stomach fat by doing lots of crunches. If this worked and you truly did lose fat directly over the abs, then you would have a slim sexy stomach in the very front and flabby love handles on the sides and in the back. As you can tell, this is not possible. If someone has a ripped six pack, they are toned and have low body fat all over their body!

Losing thigh fat is no different. In order to lose thigh fat, you need to lose fat all over your body. Lets continue...

2. Losing total body fat will result in fat loss in the thighs.

If you are going to lose fat in general, you are going to lose fat all over your body.

The first place that people start to gain fat is in the stomach and thighs. Consequently, sometimes those areas are the last places to lose fat as well.

In order to lose total body fat, you need to be doing the right combination of diet, a specific type of cardio called interval training, and total body resistance training. You need to put your body into a state where it is burning fat during exercise and at rest!

Infomercials also teach you how to lose thigh fat with this machine, how to lose chest fat with that machine, how to lose belly fat in 10 minutes a day, all come together with the same "30-day money back guarantee". They all look good and promising, indeed, until you read the tiny footnote "results are not typical" or "results include a diet plan or other exercises". These machines actually imitate the movements we can do ourselves, and why do we have to spend money on products that can't guarantee typical results?

How to lose thigh fat: The rules

1. Drink more water: You have probably heard this before. It's true. Weight loss is a dehydration process. Without water your body become stagnant. Do not discount this. Without drinking more water you slow your body's ability to lose thigh fat.

2. Exercise 30 minutes 4 days per week. This is a big thing for many people. For some reason people hate the thought of exercise. They'd rather die. If you can do this part, the rest becomes a breeze. A little walking. A few lunges. Some squats every couple of days. Say goodbye to flabby thighs!

3. Eat more fiber. Fiber has been shown to benefit weight loss participants in many ways. You feel fuller with less food. You reduce the risk of heart disease. And you improve the efficiency of your digestive track.

4. Use L Carnitine. L Carnitine is an amino acid found in your health food store. It helps in ushering the body use fat as fuel, instead of muscle. When you use this daily in addition to a good diet and steady exercise, weight loss results seem to come faster.

5. Keep your eye on the prize. Think of what you want: thin thighs. Visualize your purpose everyday. Remember why you're doing these things. If not, losing thigh fat will always be a pipe dream and not a reality.

Read more on How to Lose Thigh Fat and How to get rid of fat AND Health and lifestyle

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