Thursday, October 6, 2011

Black Forest Cake or Black Forest Roll

Black Forest Cake
Black forest is a chocolate cake with a strong cherry component and is popular yummy cake throughout North America. Called Schwarzwälderkirschtorte in German, which means Black Forest Cherry Torte (torte is the German word for cake).

The origin of this cake in unknown, but it is believed to have originated in the late 16th century in the Black Forest Region (Der Schwarzwald in German) located in the state of Baden-Wurttemberg. The area is known for its sour cherries and Kirsch or Kirschwasser (a double distilled, clear cherry brandy made from the sour Morello cherry) and It is a chocolate layer cake with Kirsch, whipped cream, sour cherries and chocolate curls.

Cake Ingredients:

·        4oz Irish butter
·        8oz brown sugar
·        4oz plain chocolate
·        7oz self-raising flour
·        1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
·        1/4 pint sour cream
·        3 tablespoons strong cold black coffee
·        2 eggs
·        pinch of salt

Pastry Base

·        4oz cream flour
·        pinch of salt
·        2oz icing sugar
·        2oz/ Irish butter
·        1 egg yolk
·        a few drops of vanilla essence

Other Ingredients:

·        1 pint cream
·        1lb tin black cherries
·        4 table spoons black cherry jam
·        brandy or cherry juice
·        4oz grated chocolate

Cake Directions:

·        Cream butter and sugar together well.
·        Melt the chocolate and beat into the creamed mixture, then mix in the eggs-use a double boiler
·        Sift flour, salt and cinnamon together.
·        Fold the dry mix lightly into the liquids, and then fold in the sour cream and cold coffee.
·        Into a lined and greased 9-inch round, deep tin pour the cake mixture and bake for 1 hour, 25 minutes at Cakes usually work at between 325°F and 400°F (160°C and 205°C).
·        Set to cool on a wire rack.

Pastry Base Roll:

·        Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl and bind until the mixture stiffens.
·        Roll the pastry onto a floured board worktable until pastry is about the same size as the base of the tin.
·        Lay out on baking sheet and bake for 20-25 minutes.
·        Pastries usually bakes at between 350°F and 425°F (175°C and 220°C).


·        Whip cream until it holds its shape.
·        Put some cream into pastry piping bag with a star pipe attached, and reserve this for the decoration.
·        Slice the cake into 3 equal-sized layers.

Black Forest Cake Recipe

·        Drain the cherries, reserve 8 for decoration and remove the stones from the remainder.
·        Put pastry on serving plate and spread the pastry with black cherry jam.
·        Soak the cakes with sprit used.
·        Put one layer of cake on top of coated pastry.
·        Spread a layer of cream with half the stoned cherries.
·        Put the second layer of cake and add another layer of cream and cherries.
·        Add the final layer of the cake.
·        Spread the entire cake with the remaining cream and press on the grated chocolate.
·        Decorate the top of cream and the reserved whole black cherries.


·        Use 3 identical cake pans instead of 1 large pan works much better.
·        Margarine, vegetable oil or regular butter will substitute for Irish butter.
·        In some countries the brandy is often replaced by rum, in Germany itself it is almost always replaced by


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