Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Will Cutting Carbs Help Me Lose Weight Quickly

Will Cutting Carbs Help Me Lose Weight Quickly
A very common question that gets asked is this: Will cutting carbs help me lose weight quickly. In this article I will briefly explain the answer to this question, so please read on.

What are Carbohydrates(carbs)

Most people know that carbs are particular types of foods. But there are two types of carbs:

1. Simple carbs: Examples of these types of carbs are, sugar, white bread, potatoes, yams, sweets, noodles, pasta, rice, flour to name a few.

These types of carbs are fast acting carbs. What I mean by this is that when eaten they elevate your blood sugar levels quickly but also lower your blood sugar levels quickly thus making you tired and hungry after a short period after eating them. When your blood sugar levels rise and fall rapidly you store fat quickly. So will cutting carbs help me lose weight quickly? At this point what is your answer? Still don't know? Well read on.

I said earlier that there are two types of carbs. The second type is called complex carbs.

2. Complex carbs: Examples are brown bread, all types of vegetables, all types of fruits etc.
When these types of carbs are consumed they raise the blood sugar levels slowly and keep the sugar levels high for a long period thus allowing fat to be burned for longer. Also you will feel more energetic for longer because of the sustained high blood sugar and less hungry.
So will cutting carbs help me lose weight quickly? Still don't know? Well read on.

You have seen the two types of carbs in action, so you may be thinking that reducing any type of carbs will answer your question, "will cutting carbs help me lose weight quickly".

The answer to your question is this. Your body needs carbs but of the right quality. Complex carbs are found in foods that are rich in nutrients, vitamins and fiber. They use more metabolic energy in digestion. They reverse the internal aging process and strengthen the immune system. Since they are slow acting and more fat burning in nature the will help you lose weight quickly. So the answer to the question "will cutting carbs help me lose weight quickly" is yes but it has to be less of the wrong type(simple carbs) and more of the right type(complex carbs)

So you can see that cutting carbs will help you lose weight quickly, but its the simple carbs you have to cut down. So will cutting carbs help me lose weight quickly?You answer that question now.

The Top Fifteen Reasons People Lose Weight

The Top Fifteen Reasons People Lose Weight

Everyone has their own reasons or reasons for wanting to lose weight. These reasons vary greatly. Much of what supports the reasons people lose weight is an emotional trigger. Something that will strike at their core and force them to take action. If you have a desire to lose weight and haven't begun yet it may be because you haven't explored your true motivation for wanting to lose weight. You probably haven't discovered an strong enough emotional trigger that you can relate to that will supply you with enough motivation to reach your weight loss goals.

This article can help. Here are several reasons that have motivated other people to lose weight:

1. I get winded walking up one flight of stairs.

2. I had to ask for a seat belt extension on an airplane.

3. I couldn't fit into a kayak I rented while on vacation.

4. I was so uncomfortable in a roller coaster car that I had to get out before the ride started.

5. I can't join the military until I lose 100 pounds.

6. I'm only a teenager and my doctor told me I was overweight.

7. I hear people making fun of me because I am fat.

8. I went to buy my first new dress in a year - my dress size went up 2 sizes!

9. My friends had to leave an amusement park because I was too heavy to ride alot of the good rides.

10. I want to know what I look like thin!

11. Losing weight will make me look and feel more attractive.

12. I've got so many other problems in my life that I needed a distraction - losing weight is my distraction!

13. I just got fed up with myself for gaining so much weight.

14. I'm going to college for the first time and I want to be a "sexy" freshman.

15. My doctor told me I was borderline diabetic and should lose weight to avoid the threat of diabetes.

These are several reasons people lose weight. As you read this do you see any reasons you should lose weight? Can you relate to any of these reasons to lose weight? Your reasons may be different than those listed above. The point is you must find an emotional trigger like the ones listed above that will create an overwhelming desire for you to lose weight and keep it off. You can do this!

Discover what I know about losing weight the healthy way and receive my free ebook "The Secret To Losing Weight." Take action now.

Peter Harris is a health care professional that promotes health and wellness to his clients by writing frequently about diet, exercise and nutrition.

Learn to Understand Your Self Talk and Lose Weight

Learn to Understand Your Self Talk and Lose Weight

During this article I am going to be explaining why your self talk will actually help you to lose weight. Your self talk is your very own internal chatter box and is the voice that you use when you talk to yourself, that's right the one that's saying, 'I don't talk to myself'.

Now it's really important that you pay attention to the things that you do say to yourself because these statements that you give yourself will manifest into your life, for good or bad.

Think about it - Do you tell yourself that losing weight is easy or hard? Do you tell yourself that you have a sweet tooth and then wonder why you cannot resist chocolate? Note-thinking makes it so!

If you want to lose weight then the statements that you make to yourself must match that outcome. So over this next week, monitor the things that you do say to yourself and then write them onto a sheet of paper. That way at the end of the week you can then review this list and gain a clearer picture of the things which are currently stopping you from reaching your weight goal.

Your self talk is very similar to planting seeds into some very rich fertile. So just imagine now that in front of you was a plant pot which had inside it the richest fertile soil ever. Next imagine that this pot just grow whatever you planted into it, whether it was a beautiful rose or a dandelion weed. Now in a way your mind is very similar to this plant pot because your mind will act upon anything which is planted into it.

Now if you had some tomato seeds and you planted those seeds into that pot, what would grow? Yes tomatoes. Now if you picked one of those tomatoes, bit into it and came out in a rash, would the pot care? (Presuming the pot did think). Well no, it would probably think well you give me a tomato seed so I've just given you a tomato plant.

This scenario is very similar to what happens when you say a negative statement to yourself. Your mind plants this seed and then carries out the action. So if you say to yourself that you find it difficult to lose weight then your mind will just act upon that statement and make it difficult for you to lose weight.

So what would happen if you planted another tomato seed into that pot? Well yes you would get another tomato plant. The pot wouldn't think, 'I know you don't like tomatoes so I'm going to give you cucumbers'. No the pot will only grow what you plant into it and in a sense this is how your mind works.

So would wishing for Cumbers help even though you planted a tomato seed? Well no you will still only get tomatoes regardless of hard you wished for cucumbers.

This is a very common and is something that people who struggle with their weight very often do. They tell themselves that they find it difficult to lose weight (seed), wish they were slim and moan when the outcome does not match that wish.

So one of the keys to losing weight is first to understand what you are planting into your mind. Then once you are aware of what seeds you are planting in your mind you can then replace these thought patterns into something which matches the outcome that you want.

If we took this same approach with our plant pot we would in order to get cucumbers have to stop planting tomatoes seeds and start planting cucumber seeds instead. If we did this then we wouldn't have to wish for cucumbers because cucumbers is what we would get.

So over this next week really begin to monitor your self talk and discover if you're planting the correct seeds in your life.


Many more of these weight loss tips can be delievered to your email inbox by visting The Inside Out Approach and signing up to my free weekly newsletter.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Food For Dogs - Homemade Dog Treats Recipes

Food For Dogs - Homemade Dog Treats Recipes

Choosing the right dog food for dogs with bladder stones can be quite a difficult task. Almost all the commercial dog food manufacturers today boast that their kibble is the best of the best. Apart from this, you can also find different types of organic kibble on the market today. With this being the case, choosing the right kind of food for your dog can be quite confusing.

Giving the right kind of dog food for dogs with bladder stones is very important. Particularly, if your dog has a weak immune system or if it is genetically predisposed to bladder stones and other urinary problems, it is very, very important to give a special diet to your dog to lower the risks of these diseases. There are a surprising number of Foods that we can safely eat but are extremely dangerous for Dogs. Some we know about but there are many that few seem to realize can harm their Dog.

Recipe-Peanut Butter and Pumpkin Dog Treats
"Baked dog treats filled with pumpkin and peanut butter."

Prep Time: 15 Min
Cook Time: 40 Min
Ready In: 1 Hr 40 Min
Original Recipe: Yield 25 treats

    2 1/2 cups whole wheat flour
    2 eggs
    1/2 cup canned pumpkin
    2 tablespoons peanut butter
    1/2 teaspoon salt
    1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon

    Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
    Whisk together the flour, eggs, pumpkin, peanut butter, salt, and cinnamon
    in a bowl.   
    Add water as needed to help make the dough workable, but the dough should
    be dry and stiff.
    Roll the dough into a 1/2-inch-thick roll. Cut into 1/2-inch pieces.
    Bake in preheated oven until hard, about 40 minutes.

Nutritional Information
Amount Per Serving 
Calories: 56
Total Fat: 1.3g
Cholesterol: 17mg

In order to get all the recipes found in this e book "Healthy Food for Dogs: Homemade Recipes" you would probably have to do as John Miller did. Read dozens of books, meet the best dog-fanciers , talk with experts for hours. And most of all, you would have had to create recipes , analyze their results and draw conclusions. Now, the best recipes and techniques... can be found in this condensed, practical, complete and immediately exploitable work. 245 Homemade Dog food recipes:Imagine knowing, in just a few hours, exactly how to feed your dog.
Food For Dogs - Homemade Dog Food Recipes
Author: jatarmi

Dog Diabetes: What Your Dog Can And Can’t Eat

Dog Diabetes: What Your Dog Can And Can’t Eat
The vet has probably explained a lot of things to you in regards to your dog's condition. Almost certainly, he has told you about treatment options, warning signs, and any other relevant information regarding canine diabetes. Sure enough, he has also mentioned lifestyle changes in order for your dog to remain healthy.

Along with this, you should be given a list of diabetic dog food products and a weight management program that you should follow. However, if diabetic dog food is unavailable, or you simply refuse to feed your pet anything that comes out of a can or a box, then you can always concoct your own recipe. Just take note of certain Do's and Don'ts when it comes to what you should feed your dog. However, be sure to consult with the vet first before feeding your dog any food that he has not included in his list.

What Your Dog Can Eat

* Meat with low fat content: This should include turkey, fish, chicken, and eggs. Fatty foods will only cause further complications to your dog's delicate condition.

*Fruits and vegetables: Fresh ones are better, but do not feed in excess. Fruits and vegetables contain natural sugars and are very nutritious, but make sure to avoid raisins and grapes.

*Grains: Your dog needs fiber to manage insulin level. Brown rice, oats, and millet are great for him so you should include this in his daily diet plan.

*Brewer's Yeast: This ingredient has a component called ‘glucose tolerance factor' that is very helpful in managing blood sugar.
What Your Dog Can't Eat

*Anything baked: Baked goods contain processed sugars which will certainly increase sugar levels in the blood. As you know, excess glucose level in the blood is never good.

*Fatty food: You do not want your dog to gain more weight so make sure to remove fatty food from his diet. He cannot eat pork and beef. This also means that while he can eat chicken, you should peel off the chicken skin as this is rich in cholesterol. However, fish oil is perfectly fine.

*Sugar: Well, this needs no further explanation. Commercial or processed sugar is bad for your dog, period.

These are the list of food or food components that your dog can and cannot eat. Be sure to put these in mind and stick to it in order to help your diabetic dog stay strong and healthy.

Read more about diabetes in dogs, understanding your dog's blood glucose levels and symptoms of diabetes in dogs at DiabetesInDogsGuide.Com.

Why the Heart Foundation Diet is Useless

Why the Heart Foundation Diet is Useless
The so-called Heart Foundation Diet should never be used by anybody wishing to lose weight. This diet, also known as the 'Greenlane Diet' or the 'British Heart Foundation Diet', is a poor quality fad diet that has been circulating for many years. It is completely disowned by the British Heart Foundation. This diet plan has circulated in the form of a one page sheet that claims you can lose 10 pounds in 3 days. The Heart Foundation Diet has been popular in the UK and some other countries, but the creator of the diet is unknown.

Indeed, the Heart Foundation Diet is not only worse than useless, it is actually a harmful diet and will do nothing to help you lose weight. Here is a summary of Heart Foundation Diet, followed by commentary on its effectiveness.

The heart foundation diet is a three day diet program that claims to make you lose 10 pounds after three days. At day one, the suggested breakfast meal includes black coffee or tea, 1/2 grapefruit, a slice of dry toast, and 2 teaspoons of peanut butter. For lunch, the suggested foods are another cup of black coffee or tea, 4 ounces of tuna, and a slice of dry toast. For dinner, the recommended foods are two slices of any cold meat, 1 cup of string beans, 4 ounces of beets, 1 small apple, 4 ounces of vanilla ice cream, and water.

During the second day breakfast consists of black tea or coffee, 1 boiled or poached egg, a slice of dry toast, and half a banana. For lunch, the meal consists of 4 ounces of cottage cheese and five crackers. For dinner, the foods include 3 ounces of broccoli, 2 ounces of carrots, 1/2 banana, 2 hot dogs, and 4 ounces of vanilla ice cream.

On day three, breakfast consist of black coffee or tea, 5 dry crackers, a slice of cheddar cheese, and one apple. For lunch, the meal plan includes a hardboiled egg and a slice of dry toast. For dinner, the foods include 4 ounces of tuna, 4 ounces of cauliflower, 4 ounces of beets, 1/2 melon, and for dessert, you guessed it, 4 ounces of vanilla ice cream.

According to some so-called diet experts, The Heart Foundation Diet will result in losing ten pounds of body weight. When dieters follow this plan and see that they have indeed lost 10 pounds weight they think this is good, it really works! But unfortunately, the weight loss is illusory because it is virtually all based on a loss of body fluids. Biologically, it is impossible to lose ten pounds of excess body fat in three days, whatever you may do.

The Heart Foundation Diet is nothing more than a mediocre and temporary calorie-restricted diet which cannot be sustained for more than 2 or 3 days. As a consequence, as soon as you go back to your usual eating habits, you quickly regain the lost body fluids. Worse still, you are likely to put on extra weight as a result of the calorie restrictions.

When calories are severely restricted, the body's metabolism slows down so that it can conserve body fat (the body does this as a biological survival mechanism). When you go back to eating in your usual way, your metabolism will continue to stay slow for quite a while, thus making you end up with even more weight than you started out with.

A truly effective weight-loss program must not be based on any kind of calorie restrictions. Also, it must be enjoyable to eat and it must leave you feeling full and satisfied. Above all, such a diet must be truly nourishing, so that you get the full gamut of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients for good health.


Russell Eaton is the author of the highly acclaimed book "The Foolproof Diet, The Perfect Weight-Loss Plan That Works Every Time". Find out more now by going to

Probiotics for Cats and Dogs

Probiotics for Cats and Dogs
Bacterially speaking, it's a mean cruel world. More cats and dogs are on medication then ever before. Why? The short answer is domestication.

Breeding wild dogs and cats to accept living with humans is not the problem, domesticating their diet is! To find out what is wrong with the domestic diet let us look to their wild relatives.

Wild Relatives Diet

The wild relatives this article refers to are not today's feral cats and dogs, whose health has been compromised by the effects of industrial pollution, which has taken its toll on the game they hunt, the grasses they eat, and the water they drink. Many feral animals have little choice except to eat garbage, and drink from stagnant water, which are likely loaded with toxic levels of bacteria and pathogens.

Pre-domesticated cats and dogs spent the majority of their time hunting for food. Their meals consisted of "fresh kill". They breathed uncontaminated air; they drank chemical- free water, and got plenty of exercise.

Wild cats and dogs instinctively know that digestive aids are essential in order to properly break down and digest their food. When they kill an herbivore (grass eaters), they first eat their stomachs and entrails which contain the digestive enzymes, greens, and soil based bacteria (SBOs) needed for proper digestion.

If the kill is not an herbivore, instinctively, they tear at grasses to get at the soil- based organisms around the roots that they need for proper digestion. If you allow your pets to do this today, you could be making matters worse!

According to The Royal Society of Medicine Great Britain, "Fully 90% of all chronic disease is cause by an unhealthy (gastro) intestinal system!"

The early warning signs that the balance in the GI tract has been compromised include; loss of appetite, foul smelling gas, bad breath, body odor, loose stools, diarrhea, IBS, Crohns Disease, and constipation!

Left unresolved, the intestinal wall soon becomes inflamed. Inflammation leads to a variety of Immune Diseases.

The New Age of Veterinary Care- Holistic!

Conventionally trained veterinarians seem programmed to prescribe prescription medications like antibiotics for GI disorders (and tell you to withhold food and water for 24-48 hours), and prednisone for inflammation. This is a case where the treatment plan needs a cure! Holistic vets focus on reestablishing the animals natural immune defense systems. They administer medication sparingly, and as a last resort!

So what should your companion be given if not prescription antibiotics and anti-inflammatories?

Probiotics? Well, Not exactly!

Almost without fail, if people have any awareness about probiotics, they think yogurt. The yogurt industry has done a great job of marketing; however, commercial grade yogurt is cultured from pasteurized milk or soy. By the time you consume them, very few probiotic strains are viable. Fewer still are capable of surviving human stomach acids, let alone that of cats and dogs.

Today, many pets are allergic to commercial milk products. So if not yogurt, what then?

SBOs: The 21st Century Probiotic Supplement

Do you recall that your pet's wild relatives eat organic grasses, and soils teeming with microflora and soil based organisms (SBOs) to compliment their diets?

Veterinarians are beginning to administer SBOs instead of antibiotics. Why? SBOs are scientifically proven to resolve routine GI disorders, quickly, naturally- without withholding food or water! Importantly, they have no side effects, and may be administered in multiple doses.

Incorporating SBOs into your pets daily diet has long reaching benefits.

Today, SBOs are grown under laboratory-controlled conditions. SBOs are available without prescription.

Keys to Restoring or Maintaining Optimum Health

Commercial pet food is the complete opposite your dog or cats natural diet. Regardless of what the labels say, they are sorely lacking in the nutrition your pet needs. Think of them as "fast food" which is merely empty calories for your pets.

Illness is mostly due to exposure over time, with each generation becoming regressively weaker. Generations of exposure to commercial pet food, chlorinated drinking water, and a lack of digestive supplements have severely compromised pet genetics. Many today are born unhealthy and predisposed to a lifetime of chronic illnesses and diseases.

It is not uncommon for pets to be on multiple meds at any given time. And, for the first time, we are transferring diseases to one another!

Here's a little known secret, no matter how much money you spend to improve your cat or dog's food, supplements, water and air, unless you are also replenishing their daily requirements for intestinal microflora (SBOs), your efforts are largely in vain!

It's Not My Fault I'm Fat

It's Not My Fault I'm Fat

It very well may not be your fault you are fat. You may be fat due to the fault of one or two distinct pressure groups. I'm going to dob in 2 of them that you'll probably recognize immediately.

Well, you could be dead right there. It very well may not be your fault you are fat. You may be fat due to the fault of one or two distinct pressure groups. Let's have a look at the usual suspects. I'm going to dob in 2 of them that you'll probably recognize immediately.

1. Your family. You may be fat and despairing of weight loss because of your upbringing. Is your whole family fat? Yes? I sense you may be nodding with several of your chins. You may well be overweight, not so much because of your genes, but because of your upbringing.

Fat parents tend to bring up obese children, modeling extremely poor diet and exercise practices. Very often the second generation is fatter than the first. Lack of role models at the dinner table will lead to a fat future for many people. If your parents don't bring you up to eat well and exercise regularly, it is pretty hard for a child to pick up these good lifestyle habits.

2. Manufacturers of ready to eat food products. Not just the fast food giants, but also the biscuit, chocolate and ice cream companies, the makers of pizza and meat pies. Kebab makers, cheesecakes mixers, taco technicians...I think you are familiar with them and have at least sampled their wares.

These people have a product to sell and the more they sell, the more money they make, the greedier they get, the more they push their products. They therefore sink a barrow loads of cash into advertising and market research till they know exactly the right buttons to push on you, the target market, to ensure that you do not resist their tasty offerings. They are smart and pushy and their techniques are very very successful - you can see the results in your mirror.

Right, we've laid some blame. That's a good thing to get off your chest. But blame is going to lift neither your sagging spirits nor your sagging stomach. Firstly, let's just agree that it might not be your fault you are fat.

Now what? What do we do with this information? Wallow in it and fail to lose weight or turn it to our advantage? Your choice, but this is my advice. You don't want to be fat. You know you have succumbed to the influences of persistent pressure groups. Neither your family nor the purveyors of fast food are likely to change their evil ways and help you with a weight control diet and regular exercise routine.

So who do you think is going to have to do the hard yards? It may not be your fault that you are fat, but it is only you who is going to fix this. Recognize the challenge and rise to it, despite the negative influences around you.

Success is the best revenge.

Rosie Peters gives common sense advice, encouragement and tips for weight loss, sensible diet and lifelong fitness. Visit Rosie at

Download Rosie's 5 Simple Steps to Fat Loss here and start losing weight today.

Walking Weight Loss for Older People

Walking Weight Loss for Older People

Here is no reason why older people should be overweight. But there are a number of factors which may cause it. One is that as we get older our metabolism decreases. That means that we need less food to function and if we continue eating as we always have we will get fat. Older people are often more sedentary than when they were young. They feel the cold more, perhaps osteoarthritis makes their joints painful. Walking or other exercise becomes less attractive and is often given up altogether.

There are other reasons why older people put on weight. Stress is high on the list. The image of living a tranquil old age in a thatched cottage with a blossoming garden and a cat, surrounded by adoring grandchildren, is one we all cherish. The actuality is often worries about health and money. The inability to care for the house and garden and concern about what happens to the cat if we are ill.

Stress causes many problems, among which are raised blood pressure and heart rate and release of cortisol. The effect of cortisol is to slow down the metabolic rate making us burn less fat and gain weight. Of cause, stress can also cause comfort eating and snacking which just makes matters worse.

Excess weight in the elderly can greatly affect quality of life. Like most overweight people they will have abdominal fat, but can also accumulate fat around the lungs. This can cause breathlessness. So we have the familiar sight of an overweight breathless Senior having problems climbing stairs and being helped in and out of vehicles. We all slow down as we get older but better fitness levels equal better mobility which in turn leads to a more happy and healthy way of life.

So how do we achieve better fitness levels? We need to look at how much exercise we take and what we eat. The easiest way for older persons to exercise is to walk. They can walk as long or as short a distance as they are able. Just walk every day and a few minutes longer each time. Aim for 30 minutes of walking daily as an ideal length of exercise. This should help maintain essential muscle mass and go a long way towards making you fell more fit and alert.

For a basic diet it is best to eat lean meat, oily fish, such as mackerel, and fresh fruit and vegetables. You will still be able to eat milk products, bread and other carbohydrates, but try to decrease your daily intake. More than one egg a day can raise your cholesterol level, so do not eat too many. As long as your basic diet is right and you exercise you can have the occasional treat. A glass of red wine a day will do no harm and may do good. Just cut down on snacking, fizzy drinks and large portions.

Eating like this should not be an imposition and together with gentle exercise will soon result in weight loss, a more healthy lifestyle and the prospect of a happier longer life. It really is worth a try.

To find out how you can lose weight easily just contact Senior Walking Fitness Blog where you can obtain helpful advice and read more.

Isometric Exercises To Lose Weight

Isometric Exercises To Lose Weight

 Those of you who follow my blog will know that I am a great believer in the use of Isometric exercises as part of your weight loss program.

I love these isometric exercises because you can do them in all sorts of situations and because you can target specific areas in your body where you want to tone up or strengthen muscles.

As you will know if you read my articles or use any of my weight loss programs, I am doing isometric exercises every day. I use the all-over body toning program that give out as part of our elite weight loss program.

The exercise I am going to demonstrate to you today is particularly good for toning your thigh, waist, upper arm and lower back muscles.

I devised this exercise to be done either in the office or at home.

All you need is an upright chair and a table or desk.

This is what you do:

Sit well back in your chair with your tailbone pressed against the back of the chair.

Position the chair so that your stomach is about one inch from the edge of the table or desk.

Make sure your back is straight.

Have both your feet flat on the floor.

Place the palms of both hands flat on the table of desk top, shoulder width apart.

Press down hard on the desktop with both hands. At the same time press down hard on the floor with both feet.

Feel the tension in the muscles of your upper arms, shoulders, chest, stomach, thighs and calves.

Hold as you count slowly from one to five.

Pause for a count of three.

Press down again and, once again count slowly from one to five.

Repeat the exercise five times.

Build up until you can do ten repetitions at each sitting.

The beauty of these exercises is that you can do them in so many different locations. I have done them on trains, in business meetings, when our walking my dogs, during dinner parties and in bed, first thing in the morning.

So they are ideal for anyone with a busy life who is losing weight using a combination of healthy eating and exercising.

Those of you who follow my blog will know that I am a great believer in the use of Isometric exercises as part of your weight loss program.

I love these isometric exercises because you can do them in all sorts of situations and because you can target specific areas in your body where you want to tone up or strengthen muscles.

Make sure your back is straight.

Both feet flat on the floor.

Place the palms of both hands flat on the table of desk top, shoulder width apart.

Press down hard on the desktop with both hands. At the same time press down hard on the floor with both feet.

Feel the tension in the muscles of your upper arms, shoulders, chest, stomach, thighs and calves.

Hold as you count slowly from one to five.

Pause for a count of three.

Press down again for a slow count of five.

Repeat the exercise five times.

Build up until you can do ten repetitions at each sitting.

The beauty of these exercises is that you can do them in so many different locations. So they are ideal for anyone with a busy life who is losing weight using a combination of healthy eating and exercising.

For more information click here

Monday, August 29, 2011

Learn How to Lose Inches Off Your Waist - Do it Fast Weight Loss Diet

Learn How to Lose Inches Off Your Waist - Do it Fast Weight Loss Diet

 Loosing weight around your waist is a great way for you to increase your health and it will also give you more energy. When you eat to much food then you store it in fat around your stomach and other areas. Most people will go on a diet to loose that weight so that they can feel and look better. It is important to know that you can control the amount of belly fat by the exercise you do and the food that you eat. Most people will go out and do a 20 minutes all cardio workout and then right after there workout will go and eat 2-3 the number of calories as they just burned off.

And the: Best Diet Plan

You need to remember that with exercise it is always best to stick with a program that gives you the best bang for you effort. Studies have shown that doing interval and weight training is one of the most effective ways to loose weight and keep it off over a long period of time. With weight training you can do a short 5-10 minute workout and get the benefits of a 20-30 minute cardio workout.

Great Advice About: Loosing Weight

As with a good workout you want to have a good idea of the rights foods to put into your body. Finding the right food or diet plan can greatly benefit your effectiveness to loose weight and keep inches off your mid section. You need to find a high protein low fat diet for best results because this will allow you to have a large variety of foods that will take the weight off fast.

Bryan Burbank is an expert in the field of Weight Loss and Health.