Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Isometric Exercises To Lose Weight

Isometric Exercises To Lose Weight

 Those of you who follow my blog will know that I am a great believer in the use of Isometric exercises as part of your weight loss program.

I love these isometric exercises because you can do them in all sorts of situations and because you can target specific areas in your body where you want to tone up or strengthen muscles.

As you will know if you read my articles or use any of my weight loss programs, I am doing isometric exercises every day. I use the all-over body toning program that give out as part of our elite weight loss program.

The exercise I am going to demonstrate to you today is particularly good for toning your thigh, waist, upper arm and lower back muscles.

I devised this exercise to be done either in the office or at home.

All you need is an upright chair and a table or desk.

This is what you do:

Sit well back in your chair with your tailbone pressed against the back of the chair.

Position the chair so that your stomach is about one inch from the edge of the table or desk.

Make sure your back is straight.

Have both your feet flat on the floor.

Place the palms of both hands flat on the table of desk top, shoulder width apart.

Press down hard on the desktop with both hands. At the same time press down hard on the floor with both feet.

Feel the tension in the muscles of your upper arms, shoulders, chest, stomach, thighs and calves.

Hold as you count slowly from one to five.

Pause for a count of three.

Press down again and, once again count slowly from one to five.

Repeat the exercise five times.

Build up until you can do ten repetitions at each sitting.

The beauty of these exercises is that you can do them in so many different locations. I have done them on trains, in business meetings, when our walking my dogs, during dinner parties and in bed, first thing in the morning.

So they are ideal for anyone with a busy life who is losing weight using a combination of healthy eating and exercising.

Those of you who follow my blog will know that I am a great believer in the use of Isometric exercises as part of your weight loss program.

I love these isometric exercises because you can do them in all sorts of situations and because you can target specific areas in your body where you want to tone up or strengthen muscles.

Make sure your back is straight.

Both feet flat on the floor.

Place the palms of both hands flat on the table of desk top, shoulder width apart.

Press down hard on the desktop with both hands. At the same time press down hard on the floor with both feet.

Feel the tension in the muscles of your upper arms, shoulders, chest, stomach, thighs and calves.

Hold as you count slowly from one to five.

Pause for a count of three.

Press down again for a slow count of five.

Repeat the exercise five times.

Build up until you can do ten repetitions at each sitting.

The beauty of these exercises is that you can do them in so many different locations. So they are ideal for anyone with a busy life who is losing weight using a combination of healthy eating and exercising.

For more information click here

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