Friday, September 9, 2011

Advanced BMI- Calculator

BMI Calculator.

Belgium statistician Adolphe Quelet (1796-1874) made several researches on obesity have proved that a person's body fat level can be evaluated with a measurement called body mass index, or BMI in short. This can also be termed as Quetelet Index or Body Mass Indicator. This evaluation is based on his or her height and body weight. BMI does not calculate body fat straightforwardly, but it associates very close to direct measures of body fat.

The BMI calculator is used to find out the body mass index of a person with the age of 20 or more.

What's the Formula Used to Calculate BMI?

Metric System

Formula to be used:

Weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared: (Weight (kg) / [height (m) 2]).

As we all know, height is usually measured in centimeters. So divide height which is in centimeters by 100 to get height in meters before you apply it in the formula.

To know your BMI, Multiply your Height (m) by Height (m) and divide the weight by the result obtained from multiplying the heights. Then Round off the result into two decimal place.
An example of calculating BMI using the body mass index formula:

Height = 180 cm (1.80 m)
Weight = 70 kg

BMI Calculation: 70 ÷ (1.80)2 = 21.60

English System

Formula to be used:

Weight in pounds (lbs) divided by height in inches (in) squared and multiplied by a conversion factor of 703

(Weight (lbs) / [height (in)2] x 703).

So, to compute BMI, take the weight (lbs) and divide it by height (in). Divide the result obtained from that calculation by height again. Then, multiply that number by 703. Round off the resulting value to second decimal place.

Weight = 120 lbs
Height = 4'4" (52 inches)

BMI Calculation: [120 ÷ (52)2] x 703 = 31.20

BMI Chart

A BMI chart is an uncomplicated tool which is used to find out an individual's body mass index (BMI). To make the process of calculating a person's BMI simpler, a variety of combinations of height and weight have been entered into a chart. This chart is applicable for both men and women.

This BMI chart can be used by anyone who is at least 58 inches tall (4'10'') and weighs at least 91 pounds.

Using the Chart

Use the BMI chart below to determine body mass index.

How to use BMI chart?

Go for the row that exactly matched your Height in inches. Point out the cell in the row which matches your weight in pounds. Select the Bmi value that is parallel to the selected cell.

For example, if your height is 60 inches and your weight is 199 pounds means, Your Bmi value is 39. for men for women

Sheldon Kalnitsky is a Copywriter of Sheldon Kalnitsky.he written many articles in various topics such as Sheldon Kalnitsky . For more information visit:

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