Friday, September 9, 2011

Isagenix Weight Loss Calculator-Calculate Your Success

Isagenix Weight Loss Calculator-Calculate Your Succes
The Isagenix Cleanse for Life System is growing in worldwide as people begin to experience the health benefits of this unique program. Using the Isagenix Program Guide to track weight loss and stay on track is helping many people reach their goals.

The Isagenix Cleanse for Life System is designed to rid the body of impurities while jump-starting the metabolism. Isagenix offers a 9-day and a 30-day cleanse, both come with a Program Guide with which participants calculate their Body Mass Index (BMI) and keep track of pounds and inches lost. With the Program Guide participants can quantify results and get motivated.

At the beginning of a cleanse participants record the measurements 14 regions of the body as well as their weight. They also calculate their BMI to determine weight status. The program guide not only serves as great success metric but as a source for motivation. At any point during the fat burning process a participant can reference their Program Guide to determine weight and inches lost to date. Even after a hard week or lull in weight loss one can find motivation in seeing this.

When keeping a log of weight loss like the Isagenix Program Guide there are 3 main things to remember: be honest, and be accurate be consistent.

Being honest means facing the facts from the beginning. People tend to lie about their weight but when starting a diet it is important to know exactly how much you weigh. When taking your first measurements and weighing yourself make sure your numbers are correct.

Being accurate is also very important. Pay attention to exactly what part of each area you are measuring. Because, for example, your upper arm is not the same size at all points it is important to measure the same part of your upper arm every time. If you are not thorough your measurements will not be an accurate representation of your inches loss.

Finally, being consistent means measuring your self at the same time on the days the Program Guide calls for it. This gives you a steady record of your progress and keeps you from weighing everyday.

By taking these 3 easy precautions and following an Isagenix cleansing diet you will see improved weight loss results and you will have the records to show for it.
To learn more about Isagenix International and all of their products and programs, visit or

Article by Amanda Joyce

Amanda Joyce graduated from Arizona State University majoring in Public Relations and lends her professional experience and knowledge to both PR and interactive marketing initiatives. Amanda is a proud user of Isagenix products and works to advance the primary goal of Isagenix International�"to empower a global community with natural, no-comprise health and weight loss products

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