Sunday, September 25, 2011

BioSignature Weight Loss

BioSignature Weight Loss

This is cleansing developed and taught to me by Dr Bob Rakowski and taught by Charles Poliquin on his Bio Signature course. This cleanse is a great way to lose weight, drop body fat and look and feel better.

I have used this cleanse with many clients with great results. Most people will need to do this for 1 week, however depending on how overweight or sick you are you may be advised to extend the cleanse for between 2 and 3 weeks. Here we go...

Steps 1 - choose a medical food
You can use unlimited quantities of medical food by taking a shake every hour or two (you can rotate between products aimed at reducing inflammation, balancing pH, oestrogen clearance, heavy metal clearance or blood sugar control).

Use 1-3 scoops of the medical food in ¾ of a litre of water and fortify the drink with 10-20g of glutamine. Or you can replace 2 or 3 of the medical foods drinks with a powdered super food such as powdered greens, or powdered reds. Use 15-30g and again fortify with 20g of glutamine.

Step 2 - chose green vegetables of the day
Chose one green organic vegetable each day and eat an unlimited amount throughout the day. Good choices include broccoli, cabbage, kale, spinach, asparagus, bok choy, chard, spring greens, kohlrabi etc…Reintroduce solid food on day 4 of the cleanse by adding wholegrain rice or quinoa to your greens.

Step 3 - chose synergistic macro and micronutrients
This includes amino acids, essential fats, a mufti, additional fiber, oestrogen detox products, insulin control products or heavy metal detox products. Speak to a professional about this but a minimum would be essential amino acids, 10-15g of fish oil and a multivitamin.

Step 4 - take part in physical detoxification
•        Coffee enemas
•        Sauna daily (steam, infared)
•        Skin brushing
•        Castor oil packs
•        Massage

Step 5 - exercise
Don't do any exercise that creates lactate (the burn in your muscles), so strength training, yoga, Pilates, rehab exercise and stretching are recommended.

Do these cleanse for 1-3 weeks depending on how overweight or sick you are and watch the weight drop off and your health significantly improve.

After the cleanse - maintain 2 serving of the medical food per day and now eat an elimination diet for 2 weeks. Eliminate:
•        Gluten
•        Dairy
•        Grains
•        Processed foods
•        Sugar
•        Stimulants
•        Alcohol

Make sure as much food as you can afford to buy during these 2 weeks is organic to reduce the burden on your liver. 

Plus take supplements
•        HCL / pancreatic enzymes (based on HCL test)
•        Fish oil (6-10g a day)
•        Multivitamin and mineral

Minimum order for a 1 week cleanse
•        Medical food 2-3 tubs (inflam Px, Estro Shield Px, Metallo Shield Px, primal clear pH)
•        Super food - 1-2 tubs (primal greens, primal reds)
•        Multi intense - 1 bottle
•        Amino acid supreme - 2 bottle
•        EPA/DHA 720 - 1 bottle

Go to and click on the supplements store button to order these products. For more information click

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