Sunday, September 25, 2011

How To Lose 10 Pounds In 3 Days

You wake one morning to find that you can no longer fit into those favorite jeans of yours. Worse yet you've now acquired love handles from a lack of exercise as well.
Love Handles-Gone

Worse yet you're going on a vacation in just three days. It has become apparent that it is time to get back on track, lose those love handles, and lose at least 10 pounds - the next three days!

So you face the dilemma should you diet or exercise?

Of course the best answer to this is to use a combination of both. For those of you who've already established an exercise routine to shed off 10 pounds of extra weight fast might not be too tough a task.

All you have to do is to follow your conventional routine while keeping in mind to follow a strict diet. Furthermore, altering the way you eat can be extremely helpful during those times when you really need to lose weight fast.

But what if a regiment of exercise is not your thing; could you possibly lose 10 pounds and those love handles in three days through diet alone? For those asking this question I'm happy to say a resounding yes, there is such a diet that can do exactly what you need.

The key to this special diet, and well for any diet for that matter, is compromise. If you are used to hard partying and eating whatever you want without regard, or caring about the consequences of your bad habits, get ready to face the challenge of your life. Adapting to a healthy diet can be very difficult at first but with determination you can definitely achieve a slimmer look.
How To Lose 10 Pounds

The type of diet we will be on for the next three days consists of eating strictly the types of foods recommended. Don't worry though even though you will not be eating all you want this special diet isn't a way of starving yourself but rather a method of improving your diet. Again, it is important not to vary from this diet otherwise you wouldn't achieve the desired results.

The Diet for Day 1

At breakfast during the first day, take one slice of toast and a half of grapefruit. You can partner these with two tablespoons of peanut butter as well as tea or coffee depending on your preference.
Eating You Will Always Lose Weight

As for lunch, you can drink either coffee or tea coupled with half a cup of tuna and a slice of toast. Lastly, your dinner should consist of 3 ounces of any type of meat, a cup of beans and half a banana. You can also add one small apple and a cup of vanilla ice cream for dessert.

Not too bad now was it? And see you didn't starve yourself either; now for day two.

The Diet for Day 2

For the second day's breakfast, partner your toast with boiled egg and half a banana. For lunch, take a cup of cottage cheese, though you can substitute this with a slice of cheddar if preferred, another hard boiled egg and five pieces of saltine crackers.

If You Follow and Eat Guaranteed To Lose 10 Pounds
 Eat a cup of broccoli and a half cup of carrots, half a banana and a hot dog cut into pieces for dinner but remember not to include the buns. As a reward you can have one-half cup of vanilla ice cream for dessert.

Are you exercising any at all? If not now would be a great time to try some simple exercises like sit-ups or jumping jacks. Heck, even a walk around your neighborhood if nothing else. Remember even a little bit of exercise is still better for you than none at all.

Alright two days down and hopefully you are starting to see some results, or perhaps even feel a little better health wise too. Just one more day to go and we are done.

The Diet for Day 3

Your lunch meal from the second day should now be eaten for breakfast on your third day. This meal can be partnered with a piece of apple to help you through the day. As for your lunch, well lunch will be light today, take a slice of toast and couple it with a piece of hard boiled egg.

Finally for dinner on the third day of this special diet have cup of tuna as well as half of banana cut into pieces and again you can also consume one-half to a cup of vanilla ice cream for dessert as a reward.

That's it, you should with any luck at all awake on the fourth day to see that you are in fact starting to lose those love handles and have lost 10 pounds in the last three days.

The most important aspect to remember while undergoing this type of diet to lose 10 pounds fast and those love handles is to never eat in between meals. If you feel hunger pangs, all you have to do is to drink a glass of cold water.

In addition to this, remember to use only salt and pepper for seasoning and nothing else. This is guaranteed to help you lose ten pounds in three days. This is only intended to last for three days.

Once you achieve your desired results of losing 10 pounds in three days, be sure to continue to eat a normal and conscientious diet. In order to keep losing even more of those love handles and to keep the 10 pounds off that you just lost you must start being more careful of your diet and lifestyle for more information click

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