Sunday, September 25, 2011

BioSignature Weight Loss

BioSignature Weight Loss

This is cleansing developed and taught to me by Dr Bob Rakowski and taught by Charles Poliquin on his Bio Signature course. This cleanse is a great way to lose weight, drop body fat and look and feel better.

I have used this cleanse with many clients with great results. Most people will need to do this for 1 week, however depending on how overweight or sick you are you may be advised to extend the cleanse for between 2 and 3 weeks. Here we go...

Steps 1 - choose a medical food
You can use unlimited quantities of medical food by taking a shake every hour or two (you can rotate between products aimed at reducing inflammation, balancing pH, oestrogen clearance, heavy metal clearance or blood sugar control).

Use 1-3 scoops of the medical food in ¾ of a litre of water and fortify the drink with 10-20g of glutamine. Or you can replace 2 or 3 of the medical foods drinks with a powdered super food such as powdered greens, or powdered reds. Use 15-30g and again fortify with 20g of glutamine.

Step 2 - chose green vegetables of the day
Chose one green organic vegetable each day and eat an unlimited amount throughout the day. Good choices include broccoli, cabbage, kale, spinach, asparagus, bok choy, chard, spring greens, kohlrabi etc…Reintroduce solid food on day 4 of the cleanse by adding wholegrain rice or quinoa to your greens.

Step 3 - chose synergistic macro and micronutrients
This includes amino acids, essential fats, a mufti, additional fiber, oestrogen detox products, insulin control products or heavy metal detox products. Speak to a professional about this but a minimum would be essential amino acids, 10-15g of fish oil and a multivitamin.

Step 4 - take part in physical detoxification
•        Coffee enemas
•        Sauna daily (steam, infared)
•        Skin brushing
•        Castor oil packs
•        Massage

Step 5 - exercise
Don't do any exercise that creates lactate (the burn in your muscles), so strength training, yoga, Pilates, rehab exercise and stretching are recommended.

Do these cleanse for 1-3 weeks depending on how overweight or sick you are and watch the weight drop off and your health significantly improve.

After the cleanse - maintain 2 serving of the medical food per day and now eat an elimination diet for 2 weeks. Eliminate:
•        Gluten
•        Dairy
•        Grains
•        Processed foods
•        Sugar
•        Stimulants
•        Alcohol

Make sure as much food as you can afford to buy during these 2 weeks is organic to reduce the burden on your liver. 

Plus take supplements
•        HCL / pancreatic enzymes (based on HCL test)
•        Fish oil (6-10g a day)
•        Multivitamin and mineral

Minimum order for a 1 week cleanse
•        Medical food 2-3 tubs (inflam Px, Estro Shield Px, Metallo Shield Px, primal clear pH)
•        Super food - 1-2 tubs (primal greens, primal reds)
•        Multi intense - 1 bottle
•        Amino acid supreme - 2 bottle
•        EPA/DHA 720 - 1 bottle

Go to and click on the supplements store button to order these products. For more information click

How To Lose 10 Pounds In 3 Days

You wake one morning to find that you can no longer fit into those favorite jeans of yours. Worse yet you've now acquired love handles from a lack of exercise as well.
Love Handles-Gone

Worse yet you're going on a vacation in just three days. It has become apparent that it is time to get back on track, lose those love handles, and lose at least 10 pounds - the next three days!

So you face the dilemma should you diet or exercise?

Of course the best answer to this is to use a combination of both. For those of you who've already established an exercise routine to shed off 10 pounds of extra weight fast might not be too tough a task.

All you have to do is to follow your conventional routine while keeping in mind to follow a strict diet. Furthermore, altering the way you eat can be extremely helpful during those times when you really need to lose weight fast.

But what if a regiment of exercise is not your thing; could you possibly lose 10 pounds and those love handles in three days through diet alone? For those asking this question I'm happy to say a resounding yes, there is such a diet that can do exactly what you need.

The key to this special diet, and well for any diet for that matter, is compromise. If you are used to hard partying and eating whatever you want without regard, or caring about the consequences of your bad habits, get ready to face the challenge of your life. Adapting to a healthy diet can be very difficult at first but with determination you can definitely achieve a slimmer look.
How To Lose 10 Pounds

The type of diet we will be on for the next three days consists of eating strictly the types of foods recommended. Don't worry though even though you will not be eating all you want this special diet isn't a way of starving yourself but rather a method of improving your diet. Again, it is important not to vary from this diet otherwise you wouldn't achieve the desired results.

The Diet for Day 1

At breakfast during the first day, take one slice of toast and a half of grapefruit. You can partner these with two tablespoons of peanut butter as well as tea or coffee depending on your preference.
Eating You Will Always Lose Weight

As for lunch, you can drink either coffee or tea coupled with half a cup of tuna and a slice of toast. Lastly, your dinner should consist of 3 ounces of any type of meat, a cup of beans and half a banana. You can also add one small apple and a cup of vanilla ice cream for dessert.

Not too bad now was it? And see you didn't starve yourself either; now for day two.

The Diet for Day 2

For the second day's breakfast, partner your toast with boiled egg and half a banana. For lunch, take a cup of cottage cheese, though you can substitute this with a slice of cheddar if preferred, another hard boiled egg and five pieces of saltine crackers.

If You Follow and Eat Guaranteed To Lose 10 Pounds
 Eat a cup of broccoli and a half cup of carrots, half a banana and a hot dog cut into pieces for dinner but remember not to include the buns. As a reward you can have one-half cup of vanilla ice cream for dessert.

Are you exercising any at all? If not now would be a great time to try some simple exercises like sit-ups or jumping jacks. Heck, even a walk around your neighborhood if nothing else. Remember even a little bit of exercise is still better for you than none at all.

Alright two days down and hopefully you are starting to see some results, or perhaps even feel a little better health wise too. Just one more day to go and we are done.

The Diet for Day 3

Your lunch meal from the second day should now be eaten for breakfast on your third day. This meal can be partnered with a piece of apple to help you through the day. As for your lunch, well lunch will be light today, take a slice of toast and couple it with a piece of hard boiled egg.

Finally for dinner on the third day of this special diet have cup of tuna as well as half of banana cut into pieces and again you can also consume one-half to a cup of vanilla ice cream for dessert as a reward.

That's it, you should with any luck at all awake on the fourth day to see that you are in fact starting to lose those love handles and have lost 10 pounds in the last three days.

The most important aspect to remember while undergoing this type of diet to lose 10 pounds fast and those love handles is to never eat in between meals. If you feel hunger pangs, all you have to do is to drink a glass of cold water.

In addition to this, remember to use only salt and pepper for seasoning and nothing else. This is guaranteed to help you lose ten pounds in three days. This is only intended to last for three days.

Once you achieve your desired results of losing 10 pounds in three days, be sure to continue to eat a normal and conscientious diet. In order to keep losing even more of those love handles and to keep the 10 pounds off that you just lost you must start being more careful of your diet and lifestyle for more information click

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Site Map: Lose 10 Pounds Fast Weight Loss

Site Map::Lose 10 Pounds Fast Weight  Loss

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Homepage Last updated: 2011, November 12

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Thursday, September 15, 2011

How To Lose Weight Fast And Healthy

How To Lose Weight Fast And Healthy

How To Lose Weight Fast And Healthy

In today's society many people are battling with weight issues. With the amount of fake fad diets around its important to know how to lose weight fast and healthy.

Most dieticians suggest shedding excess pounds gradually via a long term healthy weight loss plan. In general it is not a good idea to lose excess weight too rapidly since it can be dangerous. Furthermore, losing weight quickly often means gaining it all back again later on.

However, we all like to look our best when wearing a swim suit on holidays or attending an important social event such as a wedding. If you want to lose fat via a fast healthy weight loss plan in order to look your best for a vacation or special occasion, you can do so without damaging your health. This is very important to learn in regards to knowing how to lose weight fast and healthy

The Monotrophic Diet

The Monotrophic Diet

One quick healthy fat loss plan is the monotrophic diet. On the monotrophic diet you eat only one type of fruit per meal for a period of one week. For example you could eat apples for breakfast, oranges for lunch and bananas for dinner. On the monotrophic fast healthy fat loss diet you are allowed to eat as much fruit as it takes to feel full.

This fat loss plan appeals to anybody who loves eating fruit. Nevertheless, the monotrophic diet isn't quite as simple as it sounds. Because you are not allowed to consume toxins such as the caffeine commonly found in coffee and chocolate, your body will go into withdrawal. Consequently you may feel tired and suffer from headaches.

This fast healthy fat loss diet may be difficult, but it is overall very good for you because it gives the cells of your body the opportunity to get rid of unhealthy toxins and replace them with high quality nutrients.

The Fiber Diet

Another quick healthy fat loss plan involves eating nothing but fiber for a week. High fiber foods include certain fruits and vegetables. Grains, pasta, cereals, legumes, nuts and seeds are also foods that generally have high fiber content. This type of diet is a great way to learn how to lose weight fast and healthy and it works because the human body cannot digest fiber.

Therefore the body tries to get rid of the fiber as quickly as possible by stimulating the colon so that you expel waste more rapidly and frequently. This actually works to cleanse the colon, which is why the fiber diet is so good for you. While you are on the high fiber diet it is wise to up your water intake in order to avoid dehydration caused by the frequent elimination of waste.

Avoid Going To Extremes

You should not continue a fast healthy weight loss diet like the two described above for too long a period of time. The human body needs fat, protein, carbohydrates and essential vitamins and minerals if it is to work normally. Staying on one of the above diets for too long causes malnourishment and this can lead to serious health issues.

Above I described a couple of the ways to learn how to lose weight fast and healthy. It is imperative that people are aware of the various ways to do so, but also the dangers of maintaining these diets for too long.

Did you find those tips on how to lose weight fast and healthy useful? You can learn a lot more about doing so by Clicking Here!

Why do weight loss programs fail

 weight loss programs failures

Why do weight loss programs fail you may have started many weight loss programs and most weight loss programs fail miserably. You may have succeed in some weight loss plans at first. However, you regain the lost weight subsequently.

Sometimes, weight loss plans succeed to a certain extend. You may want to lose 20 pounds. However, you manage to lose only five pounds. The worst result is that you gain weight, instead of losing weight. Why do weight loss programs fail? 

1. Underestimation

Do you know what is your daily calories intake? Do you know what is the calories burnt for walking? Do you know how many calories you shed off for running for half an hour?

If you do not know the answer to all these questions, you will make the mistake of underestimate the calories for food, and overestimate the calories burnt for activities.

The mistake is often in the calculation of calories for drinks and snacks. Do you know that a cup of coffee with sugar and milk contains more than 100 calories? Do you know that you need to walk 20 minutes just to use up the calories from that cup of coffee?
If that is the case, what about the can of coke? What about the glass of red wine?

2. Fail to plan long-term

Most people are impatient. They forget that weight gain is not an overnight affair. They may take five years of continuous eating, and sedentary lifestyle to put on 30 pounds. Yet they expect to shed off the 30 pounds within a few months.

A successful weight loss plan requires your long-term commitment. You must at least have a 3 years commitment for weight loss plan to succeed permanently.

3. Portion of food

We love to use big plate for food. We love to drink a big cup of coffee.

When you use a big plate, you will not think that you are eating a lot of food. After all, there seems to have empty space in the plate. You will consume all the food. You may eat enough calories for daily bodily function in one meal. The excess calories from all the other meals will make you overweight.

4. Addicted to sugar

When you think of addiction, you may think of drug addiction, and other addiction. You may not think of sugar addiction. However, sugar addiction is real. You may make excuse when they desire that cake, doughnut, chocolate, ice-cream and other products with high sugar content.

5. Choose the wrong diet plan

Many weight loss plans simply do not work. When the weight loss programs are faulty, you will not lose weight regardless of how faithful you follow the instructions.

Many plans that promise you to lose weight fast are fads. They are harmful to the body.

6. Hate dieting and gym

When you forbid anyone to eat certain food, the forbidden food become so desirable. Forbidden food always seems to taste better. You do not enjoy dieting. You want the freedom to eat whatever you like at whenever you want.

Most of us do not enjoy going to the gym either. It seems such a torture to work on the stupid gym equipments.

When you hate the idea of keeping off certain food, and you hate the idea of working out, you are not likely to lose weight permanently.

Resource: Why Weight Loss Plans Fail

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